UCC Committee Meeting Minutes, 25/2/02


[MST]	apologies
[OGM]	apologies
[CMG]   apologies

Meeting Opened: 6:48 pm


President's Report:


Vice-President's Report: 

- FAL run completed at a cost of $362.50.
- Successful cleanup of clubroom at weekend.  [NRR] suitably fascist.
- Freshers' Guide and membership cards nearing completion.  [NRR] will
  instigate final solution with [OSI].
- T-shirts organised and on their way.  Projected approximate cost per
  shirt: $11-12.  Suggested sale price: $15.  The t-shirt design will
  be uploaded to http://www.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au/t-shirt on the evening
  of the 25/2/02.

Treasurer's Report:

- Helped with cleanup.
- Bank balance = no idea.
- Power refit has been completed over two weeks.
- Machine room still powered on old circuit, machines will be gradually
  transferred to the new circuit.
- Following burglary, new locks for cashboxes obtained at a cost of $50.

Secretary's Report:



Machines Report:

- They still exist.
- 16 Pentium 60-100s obtained from Human Resources with scads of RAM.
  RAM will be farmed out to other machines.

Drinks and Snacks Report:

- Adequate supply in place following [NRR]'s FAL run.



- Whole lot of stuff (see [NRR]'s report) to be printed at Officeworks.
- Size of club marquee needs checking to make sure it will be enough.
- Banners to be created with cloth, stencil, fabric paint etc.
- Projector screen hooked up to box accepting SMSes to be set up by
  [NRR] and [AHC] for the day, pending the Guild's permission.
- [FTZ] will negotiate hire and collection of projector from Guild.
- Stall setup will commence from 8:30 am on 1/3/02 with a minimum of [NRR],
  [TRS], and [OSI] in attendance.  Other volunteers have been obtained but
  any further help would be appreciated.


- [NRR] gives apologies for accepting junket from firm he doesn't want job
  from in Melbourne, occasioning non-attendance at committee meeting
  scheduled for 4/3/02. 

Meeting Closed: 7:20 pm.