Minutes of meeting 2019-04-30
Ordinary General Meeting
Meeting opened 13:25
[MLG] [FVP] [PJA] [JGM] [MPT] [NTU] [TAY] [GOZ] [DBA] Wil Leyland [042] [TEC] [AJT] Nadia ALangton Alex Sheldon Lewis [LE@] Aiobinn Daniel Finley Max
-[FVP] proc motion to skip reports -[MLG] seconds, unanimous
President's Report
Vice President's Report
Treasurer's Report
Secretary's Report
OCM Reports
- Disussions on who would like to be RO
- Nick nominates himself, mpt seconds
- Unanimous
- [PJA] nominates [MLG], seconded by [JGM], accepts
- [FVP] nom donald, declines
- [FVP] nom alistair, declines
- alex nom [FVP], declines
- [MLG] nom [FVP] again, [PJA] seconds, decliend
- alistair nom aiobhin, declined
[FVP] nom alex, alistair secodns, declines
Nominations close
- [MLG] wins by default
- Speech: tried to get on 2 and 3 years ago, wore ths shirt, curse
- Will do an average job
Other Positions Arising
- Not relevant
General Business
Life Membership - [SJH]
- [MPT] reads motion
- [NTU] put forward [MSH] before, but [SJH] is also des
- In some ways good that it's completely separate
- [MPT] thanks [SJH] for her input
- [NTU] concern raised before over whether we still see this person, in this case, yes
- Have relatively
- [MPT] Seconds
- [FVP] speaks in favour
- From her contributions that have been evident and what I have heard of her contributions to CS I believe it is well deserved
- [TAY] and [GOZ] and [DBA] enter 13:37
- Liam Spence : Q how many? 10
- Any special privs? [MPT]: No except honour
- [NTU] actually takes, cause not financial -VOTE: 16:0:3
- [FVP] would like to welome [SJH] as a life member
Constitutional Amendments
- [FVP] proposed amendments for compliance with the Associations act
13:47 Wil Leyland arrives
Rationale: Update the references to the new Act to 2015,
- [TAY]: What is the motivation for exec to have to be members of the
- [GOZ]: Does SOC requirements mean that all full time students have to be allowed to join
- [TAY]: No, as long as it's not discriminatory
- [TAY]: seems unnecessary
[MLG]: problem engaging with the member base is the issue with people getting elected that aren't a good fit, not a problem if good attenance at ordinary meetings
- [JGM]: enters 13:53
- [FVP]: moving AGMs to the end of the year might benefit this problem
- [042]: on the topic of club culture
- [TAY]: limit discussion to constitutional change
Exec requirement
- Changing common seal requirement
- Has barely been used
- Other: Could you change what it means -[JGM]: The motivation for removing it?
- [MLG]: It isn't useful
- Payments to committee members
- [MPT] motivations for differentiations
- [TAY]: payments to normal members often go to committee
- [FVP]: already a restriction on payments to members, need to clarify how this happens to committee
- [MPT]: I think the clause just needs to clarify that committee are subject to the same restrictions as to other members
- Explicitly include committee in the payments to members section, is there a reason not to?
[TEC] leaves 14:02
- [NTU] does any of these need to be made now?
- About people being not a member, will this happen?
- [TAY]: go through them one by one
- [FVP] Some changes aren't needed
- Need typo fix
- Need the payments to committee
- [GOZ]: Constitution doesn't bind us by soc, wouldn't satisfy the act
- Named the two proposed motions with the tr
- [NTU] believes we are already in compliance
- [TAY] doesn't believe you should be required to be a member for 6
months, but nominating while not a member seems stuffed
- Lewis: Case of returning member, might be fully qualified but not meet 6 months rule
- Wil Should address culture with other policy
- [FVP] Happy to not include 6 months provision in this vote, needs further discussion
- [JGM] Don't think the constitution needs to clarify
- [TAY] Seems to be jumping around, please go through them one at a
- [TAY] Procedural motion to separate the constitutional amdms out
- Alistair seconds
- Vote: 15:0:3
- [TAY] Procedural motion to separate the constitutional amdms out
[THA] [PJA] leaves 14:15
[AJT] leaves 14:17 (lost quorum)
- [FVP] will read out each change and its wording
[AJT] returns 14:19 (regained)
-[NTU] can we do some sort of indicative vote on the broad before discussing the details
Nadia enters 14:20
Amending 1987 2015 ([FVP], seconded [TAY])
- All-1:0:1
Section 6, defining when membership starts and ceases -[TAY]: 6.6 seems weird -[NTU]: I believe this can be worded much better given time
- Could be turned into an exhaustive list
- Would like to word this better
- JGM Speak on the wording, everything seems to be on a
subscription model, think about how memberships will be run in
the future
- [GOZ] that's not how subscriptions
- JGM Speak on the wording, everything seems to be on a
subscription model, think about how memberships will be run in
the future
- [FVP] Making our constitution clear and concise is a long project
- [GOZ] are these changes requried for compliance?
-[MPT] Yes.
- [NTU] needs to be clarified, this stuff is implicit
- [MPT] this is stated clearly that needs to be explicit
- [GOZ] This is about whether we want to be implicit or explicit -[FVP] please keep opinions on the goodness of the constitution to outside the meeting -[JGM] would object to giving discretion to committee?
- [GOZ], [TAY]: Yes
GOZ Putting it in is a bit gross, but things won't go wrong. Things could go wrong if it's not in there
[MLG] can we vote on this now?
[NTU] as for gaining membership, we need to look at our policy of adding new memberships - should be reviewed at a next committee meeting or similar -[TAY] Not allowed to deny current students membership except for explicit reason -[JGM] Proposes temporary membership idea
- [TAY] seems like an overcomplication to me
- could cause issues with oday grants
- [FVP] could we keep discussion to the indiviual amendments, or
propose of your own
- [NTU] and [JGM]'s proposals will change the procedure of the club, and that's what this is about
- [NTU] this motion does change the function of the club,
there are previous
- Propose an amendment to allow us to vet applications in some way
- [JGM] my idea is to remove the explicit burden on committee to approve, just will allow rejection within a reasonable timeframe
- [TAY] [NTU]'s problem can be solved by making expultion permanent
- [GOZ] Change "receipt" to "receipt and acceptance" and leave
acceptance explicitly vague
- 16:2:0
- [TAY] seems like an overcomplication to me
ALangton leaves 14:46
Motion as amended read
[NTU]: Wish to make a minor change to .6
- Make it an exhaustive list
- [GOZ] seconds "..1 Resignation ..2 Non-payment ..3 Cancellation of membership under sec. 20"
-Vote: 15:0:2
-[NTU]: "A person may leave the club or resign a particular post they hold, at any time, by stating so publicly" - [TAY] Think being in writing is important - [JGM] A number of people have made statements about resigning and would have counted under this - Would create a management nightmare if it's not submitted to the club - [NTU] Not ruling out writing, in fact encourages it - No seconds - [NTU] "A person may leave the club or resign from a particular post they hold at any time by providing written notification to the secretary" - Seconded by [JGM] - [TAY] Would leave the constitution in conflict? - [FVP] just an amendment to the previous motion - Vote: 13:0:4
Sheldon enters 15:00
[NTU] Do you believe that removing 16.1 will also satisfy this
- [MPT] resiging as a member does not require resigning as an exec with the current requirements
- [JGM] this is important to get right
- [FVP] resigning as a member
-[FVP] Motion to amend the motion to include the Vacancies.Resignation changes -[GOZ] seconded - [TAY] Rationale for removing notice period? - [FVP] absurd to require times for volunteer positions - And handover can take place without being in the position - [TAY] and are you aware that this would shorten the deadline for the OGM afterwards by 2 weeks? -[FVP] yes - Vote: 15:0:1
[FVP] any other comments to make on the special resolution before vote?
- Unanimously passes
[FVP] Voting the common seal isn't necessary now, withdrawn
Procedural motion to adjourn for 5 minutes
Here after adjournment: 17
[FVP] Vacancies.Cessation and Acceptance of Other Positions
- [TAY] Should be as an eligibility requirement but not as a vacancy
- [GOZ] I think it's an elegant solution
- Seconds
- [TAY] Does what's needed, will vote for it
- Vote: Unanimous (16)
[FVP] Require executive members to be members of the club as well
- [GOZ] seconds
- Text here
- Lewis: Clarify: Loophole on financial members of the club -[GOZ] reccomend changing to "financial members"
- [JGM] shouldn't exclude life members
- [TAY] LM's are allowed to be financial, allowing this would allow exec that can't vote a general meetings
- [TAY] seconds
- Vote: 15
[NTU] leaves 15:36
[FVP] rereads the motion
Vote: 15:0:1
[FVP] Motion to add Elections.7: requirement of holding at most one position
- [GOZ] seconds
Vote 14:2:0
- [FVP] Motion to change Duration of office
- [JGM] should end midway through the AGM
- [TAY] not specified but this is what happens
- [MPT] this is a legal requirement
- [MPT] how to word it?
- [TAY] Upon election
- [GOZ] Seconds
- Vote 15:0:1
-[FVP] Motion to change Finance.6 to include ", including to a member of the committee," - [MPT] seconds - [MPT] No cost, affirms our compliance - [GOZ] Constitution is already a mess, let's do it - Vote: 14:1:1
[AJT] reenters 15:48
[FVP] motion to require a full review of all group memberships
- [MLG]: We don't need to vote on this to allow the committee to do this, don't think we need to force the committee to do it
- [JGM] Against this
- [LE@]: Why?
- [FVP]: Don't feel like there's an agreement amongst those who this will affect
- Want to seek a mandate from the member base to see if this is something that the club wants
- [GOZ] remove the deadline if all you want is a mandate
- [JGM]: please explain to the meeting why this is something we should support?
- Can't say I have full confidence in everyone on every group
- Feel like this is something that should be done regularly
- [TAY]: Constant discussion since 2014 amongst members and committee to do but hasn't been done yet still
- [GOZ] currently, chain of trust is long in wheel, endorse anything
that can shorten the chain of trust
- [LE@]: Have you proposed this as a method of "getting back" at a specific member [FVP]?
- Nadia: You could vote of no confidence
- [LE@] don't believe it rises to that level, but have been
disgusted at some of the machinations following the AGM
- Should this be withheld?
- Aiobinn: Someone with a conflict of interest should abstain, this is something that is done as a committee as a whole
- [GOZ]: Should only speak if you're trying to sway someone
- [LE@]:
- Wil: This is to increase trust
- [JGM]: Inherantly touchy, shouldn't be addressed directly
- [TAY]: New regs, no-one has been reassessed since then
- I have to trust people appointed by committees from before I was born currently
- Should be a standard procedure, which is what other clubs do
- Lewis: Unigames: we were storing member addresses (as only committee), decided even that was an unacceptible risk
- Daniel: Not very involved, but see what's going on
- If people haven't done anything wrong, there's no isssue
- Wil: Issue here is transparency. Committee represents the members of the club. -[MLG]: Risk of losing valuable older members of the club, who still contribute to the club (i.e. online)
- [FVP] responds, concerned that people will feel like there is hostility
- [TAY]: That's separate, if someone has expressed interest and
interacted that that's review done, they're good to go
- Lots of concern about how the review will take place
- [MLG]: Remember how many door members we lost last time?
- Not sure that this committee would be able to make an ethical review of wheel
- [LE@]: Light paper trail for 5 years
- Hard not to consider the genesis of this attempt
- Been suggested rather credibly that this could be a pretext
Finley left
- [GOZ] Procedural motion to vote on this
- Vote: 8:5:2
- [GOZ] Procedural motion to vote on this
Max enters 16:20 [JGM] returns 16:22
- [FVP] rereads the motion
- [JGM] amendment proposal: potentially an early deadline for putting in a procedure for
- Vote: 11:3:1
Other Business
Meeting closed 16:30
Minutes uploaded by [MLG] at 16:23 on 2019-05-11