UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2019-05-10
Meeting opened: 15:09 Attendance: [MLG] [FVP] [TEC] [420] [THA] [JGM] [MP2] Apologies:
[JGM] Motion to gift UCC shirt for quiz night prize [FVP] seconds Passes unanimously
[MP2] Motion to reimburse [FVP] $345.01 for the drink/snack run [JGM] seconds Passes unanimously
Motions by circular
- [MLG] Motion to reimburse [GOZ] $18 for chair wheels and fixing chair
- Passed, 5:0:0
- [THA] Motion to reimburse [FVP] $345.01 for the drink/snack run
- Not passed, 4:0:1
Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting
[JGM] motions to confirm [FVP] seconds 5-0-1
Committee Reports
President's Report
- Been working on uccportal, getting somewhere.
- Need to set up a test environment to make sure dispense/AD integration works (yes, it's crucial for account locking! I promise!)
- Checked mail earlier in the week, nothing there.
I have lots of pending reimbursements, plz [THA] do the receipt stuff and pay me the moneys.
Can committee please check Discord, if not email, at least the committee channels/lists, on a regular basis.
- Learn how to use the InTeRnEt. We don't even make people use Facebook for committee communications.
- Look for stuff tagged @committee. For goodness sake. Please.
- If you insist on not enabling push notifications, then make sure you scroll up a bit when you do check, and actually read it.
- Thank you.
Vice President's Report
Start up talk was good - Attendance could have been better - Like 10 people Filled out the EMP (is not submitted yet) - In paper form Would like a strategic plan for next semester - During the holidays potentially Daily reminder to [THA] that he is not the VP [THA] arrived at 15:16
Secretary's Report
Sent emails to people. Started to bug people to do their actions - not sure if it is working yet
Tenancy visited on Wednesday, they said the room was nice - signed the paperwork for tenancy
Went to the Start Up talk - Was interesting - Attendance was poor - The club needs to work on promotion for events - I have observed that the club runs some amazing events (especially all the tech talks that I have attended, but attendance is usually poor and promotion is lacking - Should aim to have all advertising up minimum 1 week BEFORE events. - Guild is delayed at posting posters, we should have this done 2 weeks before event. - Requires commitment/dedication from people planning events - We can do this Was there mail? No replies to emails regarding volunteers for camp yet. - Hopefully people volunteer
Treasurer's Report
``` |--------------|-------| | Drink | Total | |--------------|-------| | coke |$ 24.70| | null coke |$ 23.00| | Pasito |$ 10.08| | lemon squash |$ 6.00| | lemonade |$ 5.04| | kole beer |$ 2.52| | solo |$ 1.60| |screaming soda|$ 0.84| |--------------|-------|
|---------|-------| | Person | Total | |---------|-------| | frekk |$103.31| | lesscot |$ 78.91| | james1 |$ 19.71| |shelrock1|$ 16.18| |alexjthat|$ 16.07| |---------|-------| ``` Not up-to-date with recipts
Big thanks to [LCY] for drinks runs
Fresher Rep's Report
[420] Thinking about pot plants is hard
OCM Reports
[TEC] Email sent for making poster for camp - No reply yet. Building nice certificates for life members.
Machine Technical Reports
- We still have two M4s and one Cisco server unused
- We have two spare chassis which are probably compatible with Bitumen, probably should do something with those
- The original mouse on pinball has stopped working
New equipment
Drinks and Snacks
- [FVP] did a drink&snack run
- we have chocolates in the snack machine! hurrah!
- [LCY] did a drinks run
- we have chocolates in the snack machine! hurrah!
External Entities
- No new mail.
- SOC meeting happened after committee meeting last Friday, 3rd May
- [FVP] went.
Pre-tenancy Cameron Hall SOC meeting
- [FVP] went.
- Will start sending information by emails
- Talked about elevators
- In spooky new clubroom there may be other clubs on same floor.
Tenancy meeting happened on Wednesday 8th of May
- Nobody went.
- [FVP] spoke with Taco of SOC/Tenancy about the agenda item about the roof (before the meeting)
- they just wanted to know if we'd gotten anywhere since end of 2018, no news :-(
Other Affairs
- There is a chair that has been sitting under the stairs for a very long time. Gozz has the parts and has offered to fix it.
- Chair has been fixed, thanks to [GOZ]
- [GOZ] notes that they still own the wheels until they have been paid
[420] fell asleep.
Tech talks - [FVP]
- Expression of interest from [LE@] for talk about decompiling
Action [MLG] to organise tech talk with [LE@] next semester
- or camp?
Vive nights - [GIR]
- Vive nights are probably happening
Thanks [GIR]
Movie nights
Unisfa got a bigger TV
Camp - [FVP], [MPT]
- EMP deadline is in 1 week.
[MPT] needs to organise SLT or find someone else to be camp leader.
- [DBA] has volunteered, but is busy this week and next.
[FVP] would like to run a talk
[FVP] Motion for free ticket for head chef [THA] seconds Motion passes 6:0:1
[MLG] want to volunteer for head chef Action: [MLG] Will send email out communicating for volunteers and advertising head chef - Will decide on chef next week
Action: [FVP] to tour guild for [MP2] [TEC]
Cameron Hall Quiz Night - [THA], [JGM]
-Tickets for camp: - Early bird tickets: $70, $90 - Regular tickets: $80, $100.
-To not run at a loss: Need roughly 25 people.
- Lots of activities are being planned.
- Hopefully we can get enough volunteers to do fun things.
Potential to make it into a really good tech thing.
- [MLG] attendance has been going down, is doing camp worth it?
- [FVP] Camp will be good, no matter how many people go. But we should try and promote it.
Aristotle Metadata Tech Talk - [CHZ]
- Happened on Wednesday 8th May
- Was it good? - Yes! but attendance was not great [FVP]
Tech Fixup 17th June - [FVP], [DBA]
- Organise for after semester
- Need to pick a date
- Catering
- Pizza?
- List of things to fix?
- Might come from the wheel meeting.
- Advertised as a learning opportunity
- Trial the super-secret thing before CAMP
- [MLG] offers themself as tribute
- Trial the super-secret thing before CAMP
Quiz night
- Nothing to report
- Everything is organised.
- Quiz is in 3 hours.
Action Items from previous meeting
- [FVP] To check that uccpass works. Also fix it when it is found to be broken
- probably done
- [FVP] to make quizmittee reps respond to quiz stuff
- done
- [FVP] to make fb page public
- done
- [FVP] to go to artifactory for fixing cover of cerberus
- Or we can wait until after semester and do this
- not done [FVP] looks at people who actually live nearby
- [FVP] Fix uccportal for account locking
- In progress (actually)
- [FVP] Follow up with Bre and send stuff through to committee
- Not done.
- [FVP] to do a cost benefit analysis for a colour printer
- Not done
- [FVP] and [DBA] to organise tech fixup event
- Started
[FVP] and [JGM] to sell excess server stuff like the two still-working M4s
- Gotten photos, is happening
[THA] find and budget parts for new computers - pinball and porcupine
- being done
- budget $2000
- in progress
- [THA] buy prizes for quiz
- done
- [THA] Find prizes for Quiz Night and camp stuff
- Programming competition
- Beat sabre
- Door prize
- [JGM] Leaves 15:56
- [MPT] Email for tech talks for camp
- [MPT] Find someone else to be camp leader
- done
[MLG] Email for volunteers for camp (food prep, RSA, first aid)
[420] Look at pots / trays for plants
- done
- [420] to submit changed constitution to commisioner/guild.
- emailed guild, not done yet
- [TEC] Prepare HLM certificates for new life members
- in progress
- [JGM] and [FVP] to sell excess server stuff like the two still-working M4s
- in progress
- [DBA] Check and update catering for tech talk on Monday with updated numbers
- done with [MLG]'s help
- [DBA] and [FVP] to organise tech fixup event
- not done yet
General Business
- Group Review
- No further input by email. [THA] Should do maximum one review per year
- should only be kicked off wheel for unethical behaviour, or request
[MLG] Or, one email reply for interest for staying on group per year.
[TEC] Thinks different process should be used for people currently on groups and new group memberships
[FVP] Formal application process don't mean having lots of questions/work
- Should be consistent and clear guidelines
- Staight forward and well documented (If interested see his email)
- Committee should have a list of attributes to work off
- Trust etc
- Concerns about people who are not used to having to apply
- culture of entry by nomination
- Can have problems with modesty
- People should be able to answer the questions: "Why do you want to be on wheel" "Why should you be on wheel" "Why do you want to be on door" "Why should you be on door" [MLG] Sproket also exist [FVP] Can be used as a level of trust/testing motivation for wheel
- Hard to discuss this with whole committee (only some interested parties)
[DBA] enters 16:06 [DBA] Thinks [THA] looks good in formalwear [MLG] agrees [DBA] leave 16:08
[FVP] we sent out an email re: group review - anyone who wanted to have an opinion, they should have emailed there by now
[FVP] we should have a seperate meeting for discussing group review [MLG] We will have an extra meeting at the tav, for group review. Small group of people - Open for interested parties
ACTION: [MLG] to organise club meeting for interested parties.
[MLG] Committee should create a committee-only dicord channel that is only writeable by committe, but readable by the whole server. This way people can see how the committee runs things. - Should convert the current committee-only channel into a sensitive information channel not for regular use. [MLG] Psych: Already done. It was a good idea.
[MLG] We should move future meetings to 2pm on Fridays, since everyone is free. Does this need a motion? You all already nominated 2pm as good. ACTIONS: [FVP] change the meeting times, or show [MLG] how to change the meeting times for committee meetings
Meeting closed at 16:20
Current Action Items
- [FVP] change the meeting times, or show [MLG] how to change the meeting times for committee meetings
- [FVP] to go to artifactory for fixing cover of cerberus - Or we can wait until after semester and do this - not done [FVP] looks at people who actually live nearby
- [FVP] Follow up with Bre and send stuff through to committee
- [FVP] to do a cost benefit analysis for a colour printer
- [FVP] and [DBA] to organise tech fixup event
- [FVP] and [JGM] to sell excess server stuff like the two still-working M4s - In progress
[FVP] to tour guild for [MP2] [TEC]
[MLG] Make motion to budget for camp prizes
- [MLG] Send email out communicating for volunteers and advertising head chef
[MLG] to organise club meeting for interested parties re:group review in the tav next week
[THA] find and budget parts for new computers - pinball and porcupine - being done - budget $2000 - in progress
- [THA] Find prizes for camp stuff - Programming competition - Beat sabre - Door prize
- [420] to submit changed constitution to commisioner/guild.
- emailed guild, not done yet
- [TEC] Prepare HLM certificates for new life members
- in progress
[JGM] and [FVP] to sell excess server stuff like the two still-working M4s
- in progress
[DBA] and [FVP] to organise tech fixup event
- not done yet
Minutes uploaded by [MLG] at 11:01 on 2019-05-11