UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2019-05-31
Attendance: [MLG] [FVP] [JGM] [MPT] [TEC] [THA]
Absent: [420] [DBA]
Meeting Opened at 14:26
Confirmation of minutes from 2019-05-24
- The planning meeting was to be advertised to members in order to encourage attendance
- [FVP] motions to confirm
- [MLG] seconds
- Passes unanimously
Committee Reports
President's Report
- Replaced the power supply for the snack machine card reader
- It is now probably mostly actually fixed
- Been working on uccportal: account locking is coming soon!
- Put some stuff on the whiteboards
- one of which still needs to be mounted to the wall.
- Perhaps mechanical keyboards aren't so bad after all...
- Went to Westpac to follow up with the account admin/signatory/online member stuff
- The changes requested earlier in the year weren't done, should be being followed up now
- Accounts:
- Guild: $3,246.84
- Cheque: $1,250.89
- Mastercard: $3.27
- BBQ stuff, talked to Lee
- Been sent to campus management, hopefully, will get approval by today/Monday.
Vice President's Report
- Study event was non-event unfortunately
- [MPT] and [SPK] were here studying.
- Sucessfully made [MPT] study.
- Thanks [FVP] fixing the vending machine
- Plan to look at the code to make it more robust after exams
- Completed food certificate
Secretary's Report
- Went camping
- Is very tired (seems to be a constant problem)
- There is not enough time in a week to do things
- Would like to request for someone to build me a time machine/time turner.
- Pretty please
Treasurer's Report
- Handed over control of purchasing new parts for Christmas and Pinball to [BOB]. Thanks to him for offering to do it.
- Did grants and can report that I'm still alive.
- Gave guild Felix's name + phone number for grants reference.
- Hopefully everything should go to committee@ because that was the email I gave them.
- Everyone should have view access to the documents I used for grants.
- Consider this a notice that I will be away from the 15th of June until the start of next semester. Have fun folks!
- For some reason my tables still don't align nicely, so I'll figure something out. If anyone wants the tables while I'm away, I think I put the scripts in ~committee as
. The last week:
Drink | Total
null coke|$ 29.44
coke |$ 15.20
solo |$ 8.80
Pasito |$ 4.20
lemonade |$ 1.68
kole beer|$ 0.84
Person | Total
shelrock1 |$ 18.53
arsewisely |$ 15.27
alexjthat |$ 11.03
jimbo |$ 7.01
thunderweilder|$ 6.38
Fresher Rep's Report
OCM Reports
- [TEC] Has designed and printed certificates for life members.
Machine Technical Reports
We have servres
We have network
We have desktops
Schedualed power-outage, Friday June 21st from 0030 to 0500.
- Will need to organise for shutdown before
New equipment
- New computers parts are being posted.
Drinks and Snacks
- We need a drink run plz.
- [MPT] motions a standing budget of $350 for reinbursments for drinks and snacks
- [JGM] seconds
- Passes unanimously
[FVP] should go on the regulations page as a standing budget. ACTION: Tom to add standing budget to the regulations page
[MPT] Motion to require the treasurer to report drink and snack reinbursments at the following committee meeting.
- [JGM] seconds
- Passes unanimously
External Entities
- Not been checked
- Testing and tagging happened.
- All the desktops, screens, speakers got tagged
- Powerboards got tagged and have a 1 year tag only.
- Servers, AC, Printer, 3D printer, projector, vending machines got tagged.
- 5 things failed.
- 2 powerboards, 2 IEC cables failed, the plug on the vending machine failed
- Was replaced with plugs on site
- 2 powerboards, 2 IEC cables failed, the plug on the vending machine failed
Safe estimate of $300 for tagging.
[MLG] suggests that last time Guild may have paid for testing, so we should search the minutes.
ACTION: [MPT] will look for what happened last time UCC was required to tag.
[JGM] wants to acknowledge that UCC committee is run by students and not much will happen in the next 2 weeks
- [JGM] would like clarfication on process for tagging.
- As a committee, collectively we were not happy with the response from SOC about this issue
- We would like to discuss how this went with guild.
- ACTION: [MLG] is going to talk to the Guild President about the process that surrounding tagging
Other Affairs
Semester 2 Planning Session - 14th June, 10am - 2pm.
- [FVP] motion to change budget for session for $50 for pizza to $50 for any kind of food.
- [MPT] seconds
Passes 5:1:0
Agenda for session
- Brainstorming ideas
- Frontloading things that can be done, and don't need to be done in committee meetings.
Anyone that wants to suggest things or ideas for events for next semester please come along.
- Would like non-committee members to be involved in events organisation and running events.
ACTION: [MLG] to create an announcements channel in discord ACTION: [MPT] to write up some talking points/agenda for event. ACTION: [MLG] Facebook event and email for event.
[MPT] Study event.
- [MPT] studied for at least 2 hours.
Tech talks
- Come to camp!
- Should plan them during the planning session.
- If people are intersted in doing tech talks, please contact committee and we can put it on the calander for next semester. ACTION: [MLG] to email [LE@] about his tech talk.
Camp - [FVP], [MPT], [MLG]
- Stall BBQs need to be booked (5th June already done)
- ACTION: [FVP] to book.
- No news yet from Campus Management about whether we will actually be allowed to run them
- Need to check whether we can use a fridge in the stairwell to store leftover food between stalls
- Still need to organise final approval meeting with Guild, [FVP] and [DBA]
Tech Fixup 17th June - [FVP], [DBA] 2pm onwards. (Pizza 5:30)
- Planning not done yet, suggest postponing by a week or two
- Would be nice to have wheel members to help do things
- Would be nice to have less technical people here that are willing to learn. ACTION: [FVP] to write up a list of things to fix for [MLG] to publish tomorrow.
Movie night
- Happnening tonight!
- [FVP] is hosting
- Everybody reading this on a Friday afternoon should come down.
- Starship Troopers and pizza at 6:30 tonight! Get amongst it.
Quiz night
- Wrap up meeting happened.
Ethical Hacking stuff - David Glance
- Talk to David Glance is you are intested in working with ethical hacking stuff.
Study event with Data Science Club
- It happened
- Don't know if anyone from UCC went to it.
Action Items from 2019-05-24
- [FVP] to email CSSC and ask them to advertise for camp - also do this in person
- Done!
- [FVP] to do or ask wheel to create [private] archives of committee-only
- Not done
- [FVP] to do movie night 31st May
- Is happening
- [FVP] to continue with door training
- Not done
- [FVP] Follow up with Bre and send stuff through to committee
- Not done
- [FVP] and [JGM] to sell excess server stuff like the two still-working M4s
- Working on it
- [MPT] Send things to guild for camp stuff
- Done
- [MPT] Figure out when all the CITS units are having exams/where
- Done
- [MPT] to follow up if he doesn't hear anything in a week from SAC.
- No, will follow up.
- [MPT] Organise study event maybe
- Done
- [MPT] To do the facebook thing for camp
- [MLG] beat him to it.
- [MLG] to send email to UCC@ and to check with other committee members that the 14th works for committee organisation day
- Not done
- [MLG] TO create staff roster for camp once we have volunteers
- Waiting on volunteers
- [MLG] we have no volunteers for camp - So email them again.
- [MLG] to do email and fb event for 31st May movie night
- Done
[MLG] to bring in a copy of Starship Troopers
- Done
[TEC] is going to sort out tagging stuff
- Done
- [TEC] to email around for sponserships
- Not done
[TEC] create list of places to go for sponsorship in Perth
- Not done
[JGM] Prepare posters for Tech Fix up event 17th June
- Will do this weekend.
PCS to organise programming competition for camp
[TEC] Prepare HLM certificates for new life members
- Done
[JGM] and [FVP] to sell excess server stuff like the two still-working M4s
General Business
- [MSH]: take photos of all ucc assets in case there's a real fire
- We should add it to the list for the tech-fixup thing.
- [MLG] is her lack of understanding, suggests OSC inventory if it works?
- Should we find another asset list to use.
Necessary for guild insurance.
ACTION: [MLG] Call next meeting for the 14th of June
[SPK]: Review of responsibility of door members to close things such as the machine room/tool cupboard after themselves if they are the only one in use of it to avoid the shifting of responsibility unknowling onto other members of door- [MPT] the ultimate responsibility of closing the room as a door member is to check that all locks
- [MLG] It should be a curtesy of members to lock up once they are done with the machine room/tool cupboard.
ACTION: [FVP] to add this information to his message to door.
[FVP] thinkgs that there are too many people in the clubroom who are disengaged with the clubs interests
- Many people who come in and sit at a computer and play games and don't engage with the community of the club.
- We should think about ways to find a way to stop the club becoming a lan cafe.
- We want our memebrs to embodie the values that the club upholds.
- [JGM] wants to start the University Computer Gaming Club
[FVP] thinks that if gamers want to change the way the committee is aiming the club, they should turn up to OGMs and vote for people to aim in that direction.
- We'll leave the creation of that club to the people who actually want to do that.
Wants to suggest that was think about changing the way the club works:
- Potential changes: Clubroom closed after 11pm.
- [MLG] That idea might punish tech related things like project night when it runs late.
Meeting closed at 1548
Current Action Items
- [FVP] to do or ask wheel to create [private] archives of committee-only
- [FVP] to continue with door training
- [FVP] Follow up with Bre and send stuff through to committee
- [FVP] and [JGM] to sell excess server stuff like the two still-working M4s
- [MPT] to follow up if he doesn't hear anything in a week from SAC.
- [MLG] to send email to UCC@ and to check with other committee members that the 14th works for committee organisation day
- [MLG] TO create staff roster for camp once we have volunteers
- [MLG] we have no volunteers for camp - So email them again.
- [TEC] to email around for sponserships
- [TEC] create list of places to go for sponsorship in Perth
- [JGM] Prepare posters for Tech Fix up event 17th June
- PCS to organise programming competition for camp
Minutes uploaded by [MLG] at 15:49 on 2019-05-31