- Present: [FVP] [MPT] [JGM] [DBA] [420]
- Apologies: [THA] [MLG] [TEC]
- Others: [AJT] [DAS] [osterguard]
Meeting opened 14:30
Confirmation of minutes from 2019-06-22
- [FVP] Motion to confirm those minutes thusly
- [MPT] seconds
- Motion passes 5:0:0
Committee Reports
President's Report
- Sad that David has offered his resignation
- [DBA] Moves we accept his resignation, although is happy to stick
around on a reduced basis until a replacement is found
- [JGM] Thinks accepting is the best option
- [MPT] Could we make sure we schedule an OGM
- [JGM] seconds
- Motion passes 4:0:1
- JGM wants to thank David
- [FVP] Motion to thank DBA on behalf of UCC
- [JGM] seconds
- Motion passed 4:0:0
- [DBA] Moves we accept his resignation, although is happy to stick
around on a reduced basis until a replacement is found
[DBA] leaves 14:36
Had meeting with Guild President this morning, forwarded minutes to committee@
- Got limited additional info on the new clubroom, also see the email
- Can link us up with the project manager to figure out what we want
- Inclusivity
- Talked about what we've done, posters, review of regulation, contacting other clubs, group reviews
- According to Conrad, we have a whole load of governance issues, and are in breach of SOC rules
- Expect a formal letter from Guild/SOC in two weeks
- Believes Guild is misinformed on the nature issues, needs to have a lot of clarifications before
- We need to prepare as a committee
Accounts (Treasurer away):
- Guild: $1,168.84
- Cheque: $1,711.53
- Mastercard: $3.17
Went to Unigames camp, was a lot of fun
- Recommend Unigames camp to all
Vice President's Report
- Helped [BOB] restore Murasoi
- Managed to get it up on the same day, just
- Opened the room with key on 2019-06-23 for wheel business
- Door wasn't working
- [TPG] and I fixed faulty switch power supply
- Let PCS know we didn't require their services
- Might be worth organizing a competition at some point centred on
UCC anyway, to promote their competitions and as a collaboration
with PCS
- Introduce our members to PCS
- Might be worth organizing a competition at some point centred on
UCC anyway, to promote their competitions and as a collaboration
with PCS
- Not made progress on borrowing rules/acceptable items, probably needs further discussion anyway
Secretary's Report
- Apologies
Treasurer's Report
- Dead (temporarily) (i.e. on holiday to Europe)
- Probably need to sort out the club card, given he's away with the only card
Fresher Rep's Report
- Out of the country for 2 weeks starting next week
- [FVP] Would be good to have fresher rep on door
- [JGM] Wants to check about under-18s on door
- [MPT] Has this ever been a problem in the past?
- Conclusion is no
- [MPT] Should still get Albert to submit application
- [AJT] This gets applicant in the mind frame for door
- [DAS] Should trust committee members to hold the room
- [JGM] Are we not trying to uphold a higher standard for door?
- [JGM] Wants to check about under-18s on door
OCM Reports
- David Adams [DBA]
- Handed in letter of resignation
- Has now been accepted
- Committee: Thank you for your service o7
- Handed in letter of resignation
- Timothy Chapman [TEC]
- Apologies
- James Myburgh [JGM]
- Plastic tables were an experiment, wants to replace them with something more permanent, some proper tables
- Not immediately, but committee should think about it
- Inclusivity thing
- Should be careful, believe that if you say things enough it will become true (in a human-based group)
Machine Technical Reports
HP 10G card installed in Cisco server
Medico has upgraded CPUs and RAM
Murasoi has been restored, since wheel meeting last Saturday
- Has the RAID been rebuilt? if not, should be
- Yes, checked
[MPT] Mooneye upgrade
- We have the Dell and the Cisco, I think there was talk of using that?
[FVP] Should have had 2 drive caddies with the Cisco, but it came with all blanking plates
- Kerosene has not been installed yet, got delayed due to outages
- Need 10G X2 modules for the new switches, probably only 1 for the
machine room
- [FVP] Motion to budget $260 for one X2-10GB-SR transceiver for
Kerosene, 3 SFP+ modules (1 for new Cisco, 2 for the 10G switch),
and 1 1G SFP module for the UWA uplink
- [MPT] seconds
- Passes unanimously
- [FVP] Motion to budget $260 for one X2-10GB-SR transceiver for
Kerosene, 3 SFP+ modules (1 for new Cisco, 2 for the 10G switch),
and 1 1G SFP module for the UWA uplink
[FVP] Motion to budget $400 for a new 1440p monitor to replace Catfish's dying monitor
- [JGM] seconds
- Other monitor upgrades?
- [FVP] Other monitors are fine, though there are 3 more that are
next to upgrade
- [JGM] Should we look at determinint a standard option?
- [MPT] Stick with the Dells unless something comes up that is clearly better
- Passes unanimously
[AJT] If people have other monitor concerns, let committee know within the week
[FVP] Suggest to buy 4 500GB SSDs for Corydoras and Corvo, and the new server
- [JGM] has anyone else commented on wanting more SSDs desktops?
- [DAS] and [osterguard] interject in the affirmative
- [JGM] has anyone else commented on wanting more SSDs desktops?
[FVP] Motion to budget $450 for the above
- [MPT] seconds
- Passes unanimously
- [MPT] I broke one of the CF readers (bent pins), will donate one of mine to replace it
- Wheel meeting happened on 2019-06-22 (a Saturday)
New equipment
- Minus one CF reader
Drinks and Snacks
- Snack machine desperately needs filling up
- Think we need a drinks run
External Entities
- [FVP] checked, no mail
- Guild will be sending us a letter in 2 weeks or so asking us to
completely change the operational/governance structure of wheel
- More details in minutes from meeting with Conrad
- [MPT] These are concerning the SOC rules, so people should familiarise themselves with what those actually are
- [MLG] has volunteered to get into contact with Guild further
- Bit of history, [FVP] got an email Monday, replied Wednesday, was organised for Friday
- This is the first time they have contacted us formally
- [JGM] So they've started talking about making changes without talking to us?
Other Entities
- Plant is still alive
Tech talks - [MPT]
- No more progress so far, will draft an email calling for more
expressions of interest but already have a few
- Then can start scheduling
- [JGM] LaTeX one would be nice, maybe [TEC] could contribute?
Camp - [FVP], [MPT], [MLG]
- Officially cancelled
- F
Tech Fixup 17th June - [FVP], [DBA] 2pm onwards. (Pizza 5:30)
- Done
Movie night
- None planned
Computer Clubs Quiz Night
- [FVP] Starting to form a subcommittee, anyone interested?
Ethical Hacking stuff - David Glance
- [MPT] Note to self to share FB events to the UCC group with more notice
- [FVP] Action [MPT] to get David to put the a UCC mailing list on the distribution list for info about the EH group
Action Items from 2019-06-22
- to continue with door training
- Ongoing
- follow up with Bre and send stuff through to committee
- Not done
- to sell excess server stuff like the two still-working M4s
- Scratch that, one still-working M4
- Lots of dead servers to get rid of
- Not done
- to help organise the computer clubs meeting
- Ongoing
- make the FUCC
- Not done
- to reimburse camp tickets
- Not done yet
- to email info to ucc about ethical hacking
- Delegated to [MPT]
- to contact the venue and cancel camp
- Not done
- to talk to [DBA] about recent behaviour re: notice of
- Done
- to inform [420] of committee changes
- Done
- book the loft from 4:30 until 7pm on the 1st August 2019
- Not done
- to announce to UCC member that we are creating a white list and revising the borrowing regulations.
- Delegated to [MPT], not done
- to notify PCS that camp is dead
- Done
- to organise events for tech talks semester 2
- Ongoing
- to create a whitelist for borrowing things and requiring any other items to go through committee.
- Not done
- to look into financial reporting: Financial report from 2018
due end of June for Incorporations Act compliance
- [FVP] did that, thanks to [AJT] for helping
- will communicate and start door purge
- Ongoing
- will communicate and start wheel check
- Ongoing
- to organise another planning event for UCC
- Not done
- to email around for sponsorships
- Ongoing
- create list of places to go for sponsorship in Perth
- Probably not done
- to write up new door regulations form this weekend
- Done
General Business
[MSH] Buy a 4gb rpi4 as a user server
- Would be cool
- [MPT] What would it do?
- [FVP] Could upgrade eggman
- There are many uses
- Compiling on ARM
- [JGM] thinks we should defer this
- [FVP] Motions to budget $200 to purchase 2 Raspberry Pi 4s
- [420] seconds
- [MPT] Getting at least one Pi is good, not sure if we need 2 and not sure if we need to budget now
[MPT] Proc. motion to adjourn for 10 minutes
- [FVP] seconds
- 4:0:1
Meeting suspended 16:01
Meeting re-opened 16:18
[MPT] Should only get one for now, budget $100, can change later
- Motion amended
- Passes unanimously
[FVP] PS/2 to USB converter
- The ones we have don't work
- [FVP] Motion to budget $10 to buy a few cheap ones
- [JGM] seconds
- Passes 3:0:1
[MPT] Second club card
- [FVP] Moves that the club obtains a second card for the club
MasterCard account, to be kept by the President
- [MPT] seconds
- [MPT] There have been several situations where access to the account would be useful but the Treasurer has been unavailable
- Passes 3:0:1
- [FVP] Moves that the club obtains a second card for the club
MasterCard account, to be kept by the President
[MPT] Motion to thank [AJT] for helping with the financial report
- [FVP] seconds
- Passes unanimously
Meeting closed 16:25
Minutes uploaded by [MPT] at 13:05 on 2019-07-05