UCC Meeting on 04th October 2019
UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2019-10-04
Meeting opened 14:17
- Attendance:
- [THA]
- [MPT}
- [TEC]
- [MLG} (discord)
- [NTU]
- [LE@]
- [MSX]
- Apologies:
- [MVP]
- [420]
- [JGM]
Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting
- Confirmed
Committee Reports
President's Report
Has resigned, [MPT] is Acting President
Vice President's Report
- We need to schedule a general meeting for election of a President
- Was on holiday over the weekend
- Rescheduled [LE@]'s tech talk
- Would be nice to have more committee members that do stuff
- There were complications with the EFTPOS readers
- Guild are trying to charge us late fees for them
- Now has the Pres keys. VP keys are in the safe
Secretary's Report
- Nothing to report
- Dissertation due the 23rd of October
Treasurer's Report
- I haven't emptied the safe for a while
- Busybee
- Attendance was disappointing
- Reminders did get lost
Fresher Rep's Report
- What fresher rep?
OCM Reports
- Hasn't done much lately.
- If people would be able to help with LDAP integration of the discord bot it would be nice.
- I will be away from 10/10/19 to 15/10/19 for PAXAUS,
- Someone one should replace me at the meeting I can't make anyway (Hall-oween)
Machine Technical Reports
- One of the new servers had its fans going at full blast.
- Seems to be fixed now, thanks [333]
- [MSX] is happy to set up the spare UCS-220 server.
- [MPT] as a replacement for mooneye?
- IMAP issues with [TEC]
- Cichlid might have an unseated GPU.
- Someone should probably have a look at it.
- None
New equipment
- None
Drinks and Snacks
- [NTU] did a run
- Would like to withdraw $300 from dispense
- [MPT] motion to allow [NTU] to withdraw $300 from dispense as a reimbursement
- [THA] seconds
- Motion passes: 4:0:0
External Entities
- [MPT] checked and there was nothing
- There will be a full reallocation of clubrooms over summer
- PCS got a room next to us
- The EFTPOS readers
- It was for the other clubs, not us to use
- There was an unofficial meeting before the event
- [MPT] mentioned that was going to get the readers and that they needed to be returned on Monday
- Also mentioned to [THA] and [FVP]
- Signed the readers out on Friday afternoon
- Monday was a public holiday, got pushed to Tuesday for return
- They were returned on Wednesday
- [MPT] needs to talk to Taco
- Need to work out what we say to Taco and the other Cameron Hall clubs
- Perhaps we need to discuss how to deal with potential fees?
Other Affairs
- None
Cameron Hall-oween
- [MVP] Tickets are in the vending machine. Posters are up in the clubroom
Promo Event - Nightmare LAN event is up on Facebook, and promoted on Discord
Some of the Subcommittee are not on board with [FVP] Staying on as SubCommittee Rep
I've provided their objections below.
- Primary objection is that [FVP] does not have real power.
- Has no authority to make decisions or to represent the club
- As a Member, Also raised that it is unreasonable for someone that we isn't on committee, that we decided was best to step down, is making decisions on UCC's behalf
- Not being on committee hampers communication
- UniSFA as a whole does not want a non-committee member to be on sub-committees
- Issue is with not having 2 committee members on subcommittee
- Advises of issue with charity vigil, where no-one else from UCC committee was there
- the clubs may be facing a fine because the EFTPOS machine was locked in UCC and not returned in time
recommendation is that we get another committee member to assist on Hall-oween subcommittee.
[FVP] Can still assist, as has contributed to the event before, but voting power essentially shifts.
- We've said that [FVP] has power with regards to the subcommittees, so that's not an issue
- [THA] strongly suggests getting subcommittee regulations changed, because we are indeed exploiting a loophole
- Also prevents general members from being able to contribute to events as easily
- [MLG} e.g. [MSX]
- [MPT] would be interested in being a rep for Hall-oween
Charity Vigil
- Was successful
- Somewhat poorly organised and was rushed, but went well
- Going to be rewriting the handover documents
- Final charity amount has been finalised
- General points made that every club should have at least two representatives on the night.
Action Items from previous meeting
General Business
- [MPT]: Call a General Meeting for the purposes of electing a new President, and any other positions that may become vacant between now and that meeting, and any positions that subsequently become vacant
- [THA]
- suggests the evening of the 18th
- we also need to get in contact with SOC about returning officers
- We should get in contact with those committee members that are no longer active to see if they're interested in continuing
- If they're not, we can declare their absence and elect new members as well.
- [MPT] motion to call the OGM for the 18th at 6:30pm
- [MLG] seconds
- Motion passes 4:0:0
- [THA]
- [333]: Request for the purchase of two ~500GB or ~1TB SSDs for Magikarp and Mudkip respectively, so they can join the Ceph cluster. Preferably Samsung Evos or Pros using MLC or TLC flash, so they don't wear out too quickly.
- [THA] motion to budget $1000 for the SSDs
- [TEC] seconds
- Motion passes 4:0:0
- [THA] motion to budget $1000 for the SSDs
- [NTU]: Purchase an IPv4 /23 address range? Expected cost $16500+?
- We need some people to work on a business case for it.
- Motion would probably need to be set at the OGM
- [TPG]: Removal of [FVP] from wheel (removal of his wheel keys) - As Felix has deleted his UCC account, he cannot properly coordinate with other wheel members (notably the wheel@ list, and usage of sudo over root keys)
- Committee suggests commenting out the keys until such a time that Felix remakes his UCC account
- Committee recognises [FVP] as having be on leave from the following groups until he remakes his UCC account:
- wheel
- door
- sprocket
- winadmin
- [MSX] wants to colocate a machine in the clubroom
- Wants for her professional development
- Also wants because the hosting would be free
- [MLG] suggests discussing in tech@
- [MSX] is happy to do so
- Just wanted to raise it with committee first
- [MSX] is happy to do so
Meeting closed at 15.14
Current Action Items
Minutes uploaded by [THA] at 12:33 on 2019-10-11