UCC Meeting on 16th April 2020
Other Attending
Meeting opened at 19:30
UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2020-04-16
Confirmation of minutes from 2020-04-09
Committee Reports
President's Report
- Went to the second charity vigil meeting
- Need to work out a few details with clubs
- Will discuss more in events
- Guild have confirmed that filing for event grants a good idea
- Will also look good for club activity reports
- Put through [PQZ] reimbursement
- Going to UCC tomorrow to
- Install 4G box
- Install fans bought by [333]
- Action: reimburse [333] for fans
- Will do some filing
- Been doing some programming in own time
Vice President's Report
- Is eating dessert
- Report was deferred
- Appears at 19:39
- Has four assignments due really soon
- A bit behind in everything
Secretary's Report
- Tech Talks for first Tues of month
- We have May locked in for a talk on DNS by [333]
- Account locking to do - discussed later
Treasurer's Report
- We are owed some money from PCS
- Will follow up this week
Fresher Rep's Report
- Not here yet, still is [BRD]'s birthday
- [BRD] appears later
OCM Reports
- Sorry for missing the meeting last week
- Meeting from home still sucks
- Missing being able to go to uni
- Not sleepin good
- Sorry for missing the meeting last week
- Hey
Other Attendees
- Asked about 4G installation / software
- [MPT] to follow up
Machine Technical Reports
- Linux machines now running folding at home
- Our CPU/GPU cycles are contributing to fighting COVID-19 now
- Action: to advertise this cool fact online!
- Also can get people to get involved (contribute their own computer)
- We don't have remote admin over our Windows PCs in UCC
- Action: [MPT] to check mail & investigate setting up PCs
- Wheel meeting this week
- Sitting
New equipment
- 10 fans are now available to be installed
- Will get 6 from of the 10 from [333]
- Will need to reimburse [333] for the 6
- Fans to be used for the HP 360P servers
External Entities
- [MPT] to check tomorrow
- Nothing new since last week
- We should continue filing EMPs for events
Other Affairs
- Action: [MPT] to contact APNIC to update the official contacts
Tech Talks
- [333] presenting "Dive into DNS: Basics, Buying, and Bind9" on May 5 at 18:30
- Have two other volunteers so far, sent email to ucc-announce calling for more this week
- Also looking for short (10 minute tops) Tech Talks for Charity Unvigil
- Would be good to have a mix of both at charity vigil (both planned and volunteer)
Charity unVigil
- Subcomittee reps confirm minutes
- Dates locked in for 13th-16th of May 2020
- Shortlist of charities is now an ordered list
- Still need to choose charities
Attending Clubs
- PCS now attending too!
- Now have four clubs for the charity unvigil
Charities for donations
- [MPT] reviewed charities
- Domestic violence related charity likely recipient
- Other clubs are leaning towards that
- How much a charity spends on admin important for committee's choice
- ACNC breakdown includes staff wages although does not show how much of that is admin
- Handover notes from subcommittee meeting for charity vigil suggest to keep looking at charities before choosing
- Action: [MPT] to discuss with subcommittee
Event Structure and Ideas
The Thursday
- UCC will have a Thursday
- That could be a good day for a serious talk
- Could advertise it as a taster for what we'll have on Saturday
- Thursday 'Preview' of our Saturday...
UCC Talks Ideas
- Two types: lightning talks and... potentially nominated talks
- How to structure talks: if we have nominated talks, use opt in system
- Pick speakers from a pool of volunteers and ask them to speak on a topic (<5 mins)
- Need to develop this idea more
The Saturday
- Saturday joint day
- Recalls HYPE event with battle zombie shooter survivor game
- Conversation is lost in HYPE
- Plan to have lightning talks and games - need to develop
- UCC has a couple of minecraft servers
- Could set up a new server for the event
- Using ...emerald.ucc.ace
- Turn on creative mode for a few hours for the game
- Donation ideas for Minecraft stream
- [MVG] idea to grant infinite tnt
- people will pay for chaos
- Whitelist in creative mode
- Fairly easy to set up
- Wolf ET as a LAN?
LAN city
- Need to come up with LAN ideas
- BZ Flag ?
- SPC secret LAN
- Could always play DOTA
- Team squad could do moba and stream to discord
- Where to find squad
- [HET] use SCP - this has a creative commons licence
- You can then donate to get a blessing (check site)
- Admin terminal then can grant some thing of which you desire
- Worst case scenario: set up a TF2 server
Event Donations
- Donations for Charity
- How are we going to do donations - still an ongoing discussion
- No built in function for twitch
UCC Social
- Haven't bought games
- Been going okay, nice to socialise during quarantine
Other Events
- Focusing on uncharity vigil and tech talks for now
- Some talk about sponsorship below
- Most guild grants deferred to Semester 2 (special guild grants different)
Other Items
Account locking
- [MVP] idea to stream account locking
- Could have this run on the Thursday of charity unvigil
- Visual stream of account locking to encourage 2020 membership
At 20:08 a wild [BRD] appears
- A bit difficult at the moment
- Idea to contact companies we are in contact with regularly
- Action committee: investigate sponsorship
Budget for charity vigil
- Budget for charity vigil $100 per club for buying prizes
- Might drop this amount to $50
- Action: [MPT] to discuss amount for prizes with charity subcommittee
Action Items from 2020-04-09
All committee:
- Check out charities for Charity Unvigil Event
- *Charity unvigil subcomittee has narrowed down the list
- Likely to pick a charity for domestic violence
- Online Donation System for Charity Unvigil Event
- Deferred to next week / ongoing
- Wish [BRD] and [TEC] a very happy quarantine birthday
- Done
- Upload Tech Talk 1 recording to Facebook
- Done - was recorded by BBB
- Fetch mousepad
- Will be going into UCC tomorrow
- Contact guild about tenancy (fixed term agreement) / insurance for clubroom items
- Will send email
- Send EOI email for Tech Talk 2/3
- Done
- Grab secretary docs from [MPT] if required
- Action MPT to send any relevant/needed docs by email
- Help draft email to guild about expired tenancy / insurance of clubroom items
- Sort of just waiting
- Keep an eye out for the $21 4G moneys to reimburse to [MPT]
- Ongoing
- Grab any treasured treasurer documents from [MPT] if needed
- Action: MPT to send
General Business
- Let the record state: "We're all terrible." - [MPT]
Joining UCC
- [TEC] helped out someone sign up online
- [MPT] calls for ideas
- Check form of ID when account creation / when people want to change password
- Quarantine sign up page on wiki
More game ideas
- [MVP] Suggests Paladins
- Free to play game
- It's a thing
- It has a somewhat player base
- Could play at charity vigil
- commitee imagines the sponsorship gains for playing
- [MPT]: feels bad for high res studios because they made tribes
- [MVP]: it's not their fault overwatch was just better
- Battleborn is rip
- Overwatch is godlike
Thoughts on TRIBES
- [MPT]: We could set up a tribes server and play tribes
- Tribes is apparently one of the best games
- Tribes ascent is about sliding really really fast
- [TEC]: You slide UPWARDS?
- Tribes continues to dominate committee discussion
- [MPT]: It's a game about sliding around and occasionally shooting at people
Current Action Items
All committee
- Help look into charity details
- Look into how we can get memebrships
- Ask everyone how they do not know Space Ball 3D
- Send treasurer docs to MLG / secretary things to PQZ by email if needed
- Also add useful links to Tech Talk 1 video so people can find the software
- Install fans / get things from UCC
- Check mail at guild
- Continue reporting back about charity subcommittee
- Also discuss drop from $100 to $50 budget for prizes
- To contact APNIC to update contact details
- Is doing assignments
- Quarantine sign up page on wiki
- ID Checks for new sign ups
- Also help with communication on account locking
- Follow up with guild about tenancy
- To advertise UCC / Covid19 efforts / Tech Talks / Charity Vigil on socials
- To get all of committee in the minecraft server
- Sponsorship ideas?
Meeting closed at 20:30 exactly
Minutes uploaded by [PQZ] at 21:27 on 2020-04-16