UCC Meeting on 28th January 2021
UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2021-01-28
In Person!! Attendance
- [BRD]
- [MVP]
- [MPT]
- [PQZ]
Appeared at 19:16
- [TEC]
- [AAA]
- [MLG]
- [HET]
Meeting opened 19:07
Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting
- [MPT] to look over draft minutes
- Should be sent very soon
Motions by circular
- [MPT] moves that we budget $181.50 for O-Day stall cost + GST
- Motion passed 7:0:1
Committee Reports
President's Report
- Working through various requests required to set up beginning-of-semester events (EMPs, bookings, authorizations, etc.)
- Actually ordered the webcams
- Attended the Tenancy meeting today at 5pm
- Spoke with Gavin from Monash WIRED about a proposed union of computer clubs from campuses around Australia
- We have some outstanding correspondance from corporates looking to
- Action: tomorrow
- Expressed our willingness to collaborate on another joint camp to Unigames and UniSFA
Vice President's Report
- [TEC] not around
- TEC later appears for TEC-report just before Tech-Reports (19:17)
- Met with other Comp Sci clubs yesterday about O-Day things
- Holding a big CS Department event was discussed
- Big event for CS students
- General info session with UWA CS clubs included
- O-Day: A5 leaflets for us
- Include other Tech clubs on the list
- Implemented the best solution for PDF-highlighting that exists today
- Moving on to other kind of /tek/ report
Secretary's Report
- Signed pink slip for O-Day
- Someone also volunteering at the observatory went to camp!!!
- They went with UniGames but said the event was great
- Perth is smol
Treasurer's Report
- We have money
- Sent apolgies
Fresher Rep's Report
- "I did nothing"
OCM Reports
- [AAA] and [HET] sent apologies
- 5th year in a row charity ungvigil appears the weekend after payday
- Maximum dollars and minimum responsibility
- Big clubroom changes
Machine Technical Reports
- Serving
- Working
- Net-working
- Nothing broken
- Sitting
New equipment
- Reolink webcams have been ordered
- Reminder to [MPT] to get final price for the minutes
- If someone in the club feels like writing a re-vamped webcam script
- Can be people outside of wheel
- Anyone who may be up for it
Drinks and Snacks
- We have a critical shortage of null-coke
- Otherwise similar status as last week
External Entities
- Not checked since last week
Tenancy Meeting
- The loft bins and loft may be cleaned by tenancy
- To be continued
- [MPT] attended Tenancy meeting
- [MPT] to forward minutes
Room allocations
- Have not been sent out officially, but we have a draft contract
- For storage, clubs with a room were last on the list
- We were initially offered storage, but then this was corrected to not having storage
- There are several appeals happening
- They can't reveal the final allocations while those are being finalised
- Moving out timeline for other clubs has been delayed due to appeals
Safety and cleaning things
- Keep clubrooms safe
- Nothing blocking walkways and doorways
- Busybees will resume after Semester starts
Electrical tagging
- Haven't received an invoice from the last tagging yet
- Another lot of tagging to happen?
Tenancy Contract drafts
- Was circulated at the meeting
- Draft contract exists
- Not finalised as it must be run through the managing director and Guild execs
Non-students in Cameron Hall
- No clarity on this yet
- If we continue to submit EMPs for things it will be okay
- Need to have a (currently enrolled) student supervising at all times
- After this we will submit an EMP for the committee meeting
Other Affairs
IT Student Clubs Union in Australia
- Had call between [MPT], [TEC] and Gavin from Monash WIRED
- See https://wired.org.au/
- TL;DR they are contacting clubs and aiming to start a loose union of computer clubs from universities around Australia
- Benefit of communicating ideas between committees across Australia
- Opportunity for sponsorship
- Opportunity to collaborate on events
- Hackathons
- Coding challenges
- Idea to get everyone together to work out what we all want from such a union
- Constitutional Convention of some sort
[MVP] thoughts
- Union needs a capacity to act on behalf of all the clubs
- Way for clubs to voice opinions
- Subcommittee regulations may be useful
- Would like to see it as something more than a large Facebook-type group
- Form submitted
- [MPT] has filled out a pink slip, just need another exec signature then we can hand it in to Guild Finance to pay for our stall
- Signed by [PQZ] 2021-01-28
- To be submitted
- Flyer and poster planning - discuss
Uncharity (happened) on the 30th!
- Vive set upppp
- Many hype
Fresher Welcome
- Loft booking requires SOC approval because it's techincally after hours
- ACTION: [MPT] to forward email request to Eleanor
- Then EMP can be completed and submitted
- GCMR booking and EMP confirmed
- Facebook event has been posted
Joint Camp 2021
- Expressed interest to Unigames and UniSFA
- Proposal is to set up a preliminary three member subcommittee to handle initial setup and booking/deposit, then punt organization to our respective committees next year and appoint new reps after our AGMs
Motion about Joint Camp 2021
- [MPT] moves that:
- [UCC] joins the Joint Camp 2021 subcommittee; and
- [UCC] appoints [MPT] as the club's representative
- [MPT] requests minutes to state how happy he is
- Seconded by [MVP]
- Passes 5-0-0
- [MVP] reminisces about bad (good) wifi
Action Items from previous meeting
- Finally here
Mittee Things (All ongoing)
- Decide on 3D shapes
- Fresher guide...
- Artemis Lan Specific Date
- Whacky dice shapes?
- Pres email (One sent)
- Snack run (Done Fri Jan 29)
- After hours access request to guild (Ongoing)
- O-Day things (Pink slip to be returned by Feb 12)
- Charity unvigil things
- Associated incorps act
- Movie night for first week
General Business
Silent salute
UCC Clean-ups
- [MPT] Discuss cleanups for 2021, subject to planned Guild busy bees
- They are coming during semester
- Should clean the room before then
Covid Things
- [MPT] Is it time for us to revise our COVID safety plan?
- Contract tracing
- Vive set up/pack down still requires full care
- Will be plugged back in
- Can plug good ones in
- More headsets with mics 2021
When People Enter UCC
- Door members and people coming in
- Door members need to be aware when people enter the room
- Important for contact tracing to check people check in
- Also to say hello1!!
- Let's make the nice computer the one next to the door
- Best computer there and door members get priority for the best computer
- Update our expectation of door
- Have door Training
Ideas for how to identify door person
- High vis vest
- Hat
- Door hat
- High vis beanie
- lol, what to do
- People attending room to check in
- Sit at the computer next to the door
- Idea MVP had yeaaaars ago
- Time for this idea to shine
- [TEC] sees it as beneficial
- Refresh door members
- Could have door training on the clean-up day
- Door members will need to reapply
- Will fit with updated rules
Door Things
- Keep the clubroom open
- People who are there and trust and who are there for a long time
- Hard to promote objectives of the club when only door member is facing away from door
- Proper door training 2k21
- Door needs to make sure people wear shoes...
- Wants brackets for monitors
- Suggests mirrors under shelves?
- On one side of wall
- Could see behind as people enter
- Too hard to make this happen
- Agrees with committee on moving good computer to be next to door
- So door members see who is entering and makes sure they check in
Talks about Door lead to an in-depth discussion of Renovation Things
Big Chats
Cam Hall Changes
- Big shakeups in Cam Hall
- What does this mean for us?
UCC now has 3 years
- Contract is now for three years
- Fewer people on campus in general due to COVID
MVP rants
- Wants to shuffle where things are in the room
- Make project bench and 3D printer More visible
- Will have to take a lot of things out of the room
- Tool cupboard should be near the project bench
UCC's Things
- Wants to throw out a bunch of stuff
- This is the stuff we're getting rid of
- Like UniSFA does for book removals
- Compel me to keep it
UCC's Wall
- [MVP]: "I want to paint the wall"
- Shouldn't tenancy be painting the walls?
- Unlikely to happen soon
- Need tenancy approval
- Need to take out a lot of things out of the room
- May need to happen mid-year or end-year holidays
The Machine Room
- Now is the time to tackle the machine room
- Can't move stuff outside
- Create a new Machine room
- Machine room is something to be shown off
- Have walls people can see through ?
- How prominent can we make the servers while securing them
How small can we get the server room
- Can we remove the server room then make a perspect cover
- Access from outside?
- We could do RGB lighting!
- We can BEAUTIFY it
- Can make it smaller and limit access
Server Racks
- We will definitely need two racks
- Could be a air-conned rack
- Sell our old racks
- Some things are in there to be locked away
- Some things need to be cold
Things for 2021 Committee
- Don't want to lock 2021 into a strict plan
- Take everything out of machine room out that doesn't need to be there
- Could get a second tool cupboard
- Could have severs 'on display' through clear wall (somehow)
- In a smaller cabinet (somehow)
Talking to Tenancy
- Advice from tenancy about what to do with the machine room
- Preliminary chats with tenancy have gone well
- Easy to do, won't cost anything
Lots to do
- Will take a mountain of time to do all the things
- Some things are marked for sale
- Some things obviously broken
- Would be good to find e-waste bins
- Big skip should happen with tenancy
- UCC as a hobbyist club
- Providing services or encouraging members to do stuff
- Here is a thing that isn't anywhere else
- More hands on events/workshops
Current Action Items
- Reply to corporate emails (by 2021-01-28)
- Cleaning
- EMPs for meetings / cleaning events (on weekends)
- EMP Saturday 13th of Feb for a big cleaning event
- EMP for Saturday 6th of Feb for tossing out things?
- Is the contract for three years...?
- Forward minutes from last tenancy meeting
- Forward email request for Loft to Eleanor
- Account locking with PQZ
- After hours access request to guild
- Chat to tenancy about UCC clubroom
- Ideas for server room etc
- Submit EMP for Committee Meetings
- Submit EMP(s) for cleaning
- Fresher guide with BRD
- Fresher guide revamp
- Fre$herTeX
- Movie night planz?
- Look over door policy
Meeting closed 20:37ish
Minutes uploaded by [PQZ] at 17:11 on 2021-02-04