University Computer Club Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-09-05

Next meeting time

  • Need to make a whenisgood.
  • Will be Thursday 2024-09-12T09:00 by default

Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting

  • No 2024-08-29 meeting, quorum not met

Ratify Circular Motions

  • [GPO] moved to reimburse Max $431.80 for UniLAN food expenses.
    • [SEB] moves to ratify.
    • Unanimous.
  • PSU for coffinfish
  • [SEB] moved to approve buying a new PSU for coffinfish for the cost of $159.
    • [SEB] moves to ratify.
    • Unanimous.


  • [BLU] Grace Fowler, President
  • [SEB] Bones Gazey, Vice-President
  • [KKZ] Ariel Carter, Secretary
  • [ROY] Roy Xu, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [LHP] Lauren Pudney, Ordinary Committee Member


  • [GPO] Gary O'Donnovan, Treasurer
  • [DOC] Diarmuid O'Connor, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [SVN] Lyla Peng, Fresher Representative


Start Time

  • 09.15

Committee Reports

President's Report

  • Went to the 50th Anniversary subcom meeting.
    • Helped [MCW] with the announcment.
  • Started helping [NTU] with creating a survey draft to send to people before the dinner.
    • See below.
  • Went to UniLAN on the Sunday afternoon and it was practically dead (rip)
  • Went to Tenancy Meeting.

Vice President's Report

  • didn't die
  • went to 50th subcom meeting (latest meeting #10 2024-09-02)
  • went to project night
  • went and bought PSU for coffinfish
  • coffinfish is alive again (PSU)
  • Attended Quiz night subcom
  • broke esports network
  • Went to SOCPAC

Secretary's Report

  • Helped out at UniLAN on the Saturday.
    • Was a good turnout, slightly less people than last time but assuming that's because it was Father's Day.
  • Went to SOCPAC meeting.
  • Went to Tenancy meeting.

Treasurer's Report

  • Westpac Main $

  • Westpac Savings $

  • Westpac Card $

  • Guild Account $

  • Not here

  • Went to 50th subcom meeting (latest meeting #10 2024-09-02)

  • Proxmox/PVE atlantic cluster upgrade

  • UniLAN organiser

Fresher Rep's Report

  • Not here

OCM Reports

  • [ROY]
    • Went to 50th subcom meeting (latest meeting #10 2024-09-02)
    • UniLAN helped out
    • Proxmox/PVE atlantic cluster upgrade
    • GitLab webmasters/wheel group sync scripts
      • webmasters can now publish website updates, e.g. these minutes!
  • [DOC]
    • Not here
  • [LHP]
    • Attended quiz night subcom

Action Items from previous meeting

  • [GPO], [LHP], [BLU] Rebuild UWA Tech Clubs collab server

    • In progress
  • [BLU] to find a historian

    • Still looking... (see below)
  • [GPO] will talk to people to see when they want to host a tech talk.

    • Not here.
  • [KKZ] will contact CSSE and UWA websites to add UCC.

    • Was gonna ask Chris after midsem but he was busy.
    • Will have to try and ask Guild if they know who has access to UWA website.
  • [SEB] will look into running some sort of chill event with alcohol.

    • Will potentially run during a Tech Meeting (not the next one).
  • [GPO] to follow up on loveday memorial fundraising

  • [BLU], [SEB], to contact UWA History Department to find a historian

    • Done
  • [GPO], [ROY] to debug porcupine

    • Not done

Machine Technical Reports

Clubroom Machines

  • Still need to fix pinball

    • Need to contact [NEF] to ask
  • coffinfish a new PSU and now has a RX6700XT graphics card


  • [ROY] [GPO] [NTU] Upgraded Proxmox/PVE from version 6 to 8.
    • Fixed?! Old Proxmox 6.x/QEMU v1.3? issue: live migration between CPU brands, exposing different CPU flags?
    • Expand some root filesystems
    • Minor config differences between VM hosts, due to manual setup at different times


  • lard changed esports link to 100Mbps
    • Fixed


  • [ROY] has written new scripts for GitLab
    • webmasters/wheel can now push changes on the website

New Equipment

  • New PSU for coffinfish.

Drinks and Snacks

  • [GPO] got some chocolates for the snack machine.
    • We need to restock pretty much everything else.

External Entities


  • Need to check mail.
  • Need to go pick up campus safety posters.


  • Went to SOCPAC.
    • ACTION: Everyone to read the previously linked to know which associations can self-assess
      • this is already streamlined for registered charities such as UCC; as well as other not-for-profits in the listed categories
      • ABN: 98843368069
    • Heavily advised us to get financial advice (but this could be expensive)
    • [KKZ] will, in addition, ask their friend who is a tax accountant


  • We now have proper cleaners in Cam Hall for communal spaces.
    • They will not be cleaning up dirty dishes.
  • Guild is aware of issues with upstairs sink.
  • Should be getting keys to our new lockers (7, 8, 9)
    • One of them (8?) is still broken.
    • Locker 9: intended for drinks&snacks
  • Need to finish transfering the cameras.
    • [SEB][NTU] is willing to write a door sensor program/bot for discord/website/dispense in someone helps set up the physical sensor.
    • ACTION: [BLU] [GPO] to email UniIT about cameras.

Other Entities


Past Events


  • The administrative side of things ran better than last time since we have established practises.

  • Still had limited sign ups for tournaments before the day.

    • We should advertise prizes in advance to encourage sign ups.
      • People didn't realise there was a prize.
  • Turnout was lower than last time, potentially because it may have been spread out, or because the event ran over Father's Day.

  • Having a debrief meeting on the 8th September (this Sunday).

Confirmed Events

UWAES x UCC Laser Tag

  • Happening tonight!

50th Anniversary Merchandise

  • [GPO] is going to ask for pre-orders for the screen printed t-shirt.
  • Lanyards will be ordered within the next week or so.
  • [GPO]'s sibling is making the stickers.
  • Polo shirt is still in progress with manufacturer.

50th Anniversary Dinner

  • We have 37 tickets sold.

  • [GPO] will send back planning/details document to University Club.

  • Decided not to do a beverage package.

  • Food will be mains and desserts.

  • Want to have a guestbook for people to write in as they enter.

  • Will be having a quiz on the night.

  • [MCW] put together a box of stuff for the event in the clubroom.

  • Quiet spot for video interviews

    • In the hallway?
  • Memorial toast to members past

50th Anniversary Raffle
  • [BRD] is making a fighting game controller, key-hitbox, good progression

Cameron Hall Quiz Night

  • Need to get prizes.

Tentative/Future Events

  • Would be nice to plan for second half of semester when more people are here.

Tech Talks

Club Collaboration

UWAES Console Night

  • We need to approach UWAES with a specific date in mind.
    • Week 9, need to look for specific date.

Door Applications


  • Enter closed section 10:08
  • Exit closed section 10:13

General Business

Important/Get Done Soon

50th history project

  • [BLU][NTU][SD:] Draft survey questionnaire
  • ACTION: [BLU] to find a historian
    • A short document as a conversation starter, next week
    • Would settle for anyone who has ever written a decent essay at this point
    • Check in UniSFA/UniGames?


Major plans/ideas to do this year

New equipment we should get

  • Upgrade PCs/build-and-break (next year?)

Action Items

  • [BLU], [SEB] to find a historian.

  • [BLU] [GPO] to email UniIT about cameras.

  • Everyone to read the previously linked to know which associations can self-assess.

  • [GPO], [LHP], [BLU] Rebuild UWA Tech Clubs collab server.

  • [GPO] will talk to people to see when they want to host a tech talk.

  • [KKZ] will contact CSSE and UWA websites to add UCC.

  • [SEB] will look into running some sort of chill event with alcohol.

  • [GPO] to follow up on loveday memorial fundraising.

  • [GPO], [ROY] to debug porcupine.

End time

  • 10:18