University Computer Club Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-10-05

Next meeting time

Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting

Circular Motions


  • [GPO] Gary O'Donnovan, Treasurer
  • [KKZ] Ariel Carter, Secretary
  • [SVN] Lyla Peng, Fresher Representative
  • [DOC] Diarmuid O'Connor, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [ROY] Roy Xu, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [LHP] Lauren Pudney, Ordinary Committee Member
  • Darius
  • [ZPH] Anthony Do


  • [BLU] Grace Fowler, President
  • [SEB] Bones Gazey, Vice-President


Start Time

  • 16:05

Committee Reports

President's Report

  • Not here.

Vice President's Report

  • attended busy bee
  • assembled a "new" PC - still need to install an OS on it, but uni suddenly (completely out of the blue with no way of foreseeing it /j) got hectic af
  • picked uo party right resources

Secretary's Report

  • Went to esports x UWA Console Night for 1 minute after their AGM.
    • UWAnime quiz was on at the same time.

Treasurer's Report

  • Westpac Main $

  • Westpac Savings $

  • Westpac Card $

  • Guild Account $

  • Went to busy Bee,

  • Went to Console Games Night.

    • Brought some stuff but some of it didn't work.
  • Posted announcement for Tech Talks

  • Updated some wiki pages, will continue to do so in an attempt to make documentation useable.

Fresher Rep's Report

  • still super busy but made it to the Console Gaming Night.

OCM Reports

  • [ROY]

    • Wrote some short rsync scripts for backup as a temporary solution
      • now at least there're backups for baremetal machines
    • Low availability 4wks from now
  • [DOC]

    • Helped at Busy Bee
    • Went to Console Games Night and helped out a little
    • Been busy with assignments
  • [LHP]

    • Nothing to report

Action Items from previous meeting

  • [BLU] to find a historian.

  • [BLU], [GPO] to email Guild IT about cameras.

    • Have a response now, will go over later in meeting.
  • [GPO], [LHP], [BLU] Rebuild UWA Tech Clubs collab server.

    • Will probably do after other clubs AGMs.
  • [GPO] will talk to people to see when they want to host a tech talk.

    • Have arranged 2, still need to confirm with [MPT]
  • [KKZ] will contact CSSE and UWA websites to add UCC.

    • I give up someone pls do it. im mentally unalive
    • probably postpone it to sem break for now since the department is very busy.
    • ACTION transfer to [LHP]
  • [SEB], [BLU], [GPO] will look into running some sort of chill event with alcohol OLD GUARD EVENT [SEB], [BLU] ASK JACKIE.

    • In progress?
  • [GPO] to follow up on loveday memorial fundraising.

    • raised just under $1k (not including cash)
    • can start putting some of
  • [GPO], [ROY] to debug pinball.

    • Issue found: GPU driver keeps broken, reinstallation needed

Machine Technical Reports

Clubroom Machines

  • [GPO] bought 5700X3D from Aliexpress for $150 cheaper, after he test it it can be sold to UCC



  • PING issue disappeared, keep an eye on it
  • UWAES experiences packets drop periodically


  • Kelvin's reply
    • he basically says yes, just need to sort out details about our pre-existing archives

New Equipment

  • $123.49 + $13.98 for lapel mic suite
  • [GPO] moves to reimburse himself $137.47 for the suite
    • [SVN] seconds
    • unanimous
  • $59.02 for new toners as the old one exploded
  • [GPO] moves to approve the purchase of the toners
    • [ROY] seconds
    • unanimous

Drinks and Snacks

  • Vending machine restocked
  • [NTU] went to Campbells, [GPO] went to Coles
    • both reimbursed

External Entities


  • Expecting one next week



  • 08/10/2024 inspection from guild, need an exec present & attending the meeting later
    • TBD, likely to be [GPO]

Other Entities

  • Rust user Group in Perth invites us for holding a meetup in UCC
    • We forgot to reach back, need to do it ASAP
    • ACTION: [DOC] to reach out to them


Past Events

Console Games Night

  • a bit quiet, due to timeslot clashes with some other events

Confirmed Events

Tentative/Future Events

Tech Talks

  • cfc advertise the upcoming ones
  • Andrew Williams want to host a tech talk, need to reach back to him
    • ACTION: [GPO] to follow up

Uncharity Vigil

  • Need 2 reps
    • [BLU] is happy to be one
    • [GPO] is happy to be the other one
  • Potentially get UWAES on board

Club Collaboration

General Business

Door Application

  • Darius Lakkis
  • Application passed

Important/Get Done Soon


Major plans/ideas to do this year

New equipment we should get

Action Items

End time

  • 16:48