University Computer Club Committee Meeting Minutes 2025-01-23
Next meeting time
Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting
Circular Motions
- [BLU] Grace Fowler, President
- [GPO] Gary O'Donnovan, Treasurer
- [KKZ] Ariel Carter, Secretary
- [DOC] Diarmuid O'Connor, Ordinary Committee Member
- [ROY] Roy Xu, Ordinary Committee Member
- [I2N] Lorenzo Iannuzzi
- [SEB] Bones Gazey, Vice-President
- [LHP] Lauren Pudney, Ordinary Committee Member
- [SVN] Lyla Peng, Fresher Representative
Start Time
- 16:32
Committee Reports
President's Report
- Went to Uncharity Vigil subcom meeting
Vice President's Report
- Not here.
Secretary's Report
- Went away twice.
- Procrastinating sending emails for lecture bashing.
- Got addicted to BTD6.
Treasurer's Report
Westpac Main $1,197.07
Westpac Savings $43,918.32
Westpac Card $471.78
Guild Account $3,849.31 (Pending Camp money coming in)
Went to Uncharity meeting
- Need to test LAN with esports.
Fresher Rep's Report
- Not here.
OCM Reports
- Secured 2 tables + 4 chairs for EMS expo.
- Drafted an email for Nvidia
- Was away, nothing else to report
- Nothing to report.
- No response from Rust Meetup Group so far.
- Not here.
Action Items from previous meeting
[ROY] to respond to EMS.
- Done.
[GPO] to bring up pay2win idea in UnCharity subcom.
- Done.
Flyer, fresher handbook need to be updated.
- [JLG] is working on a project night poster.
- Still need someone to work on booklet, etc.
Committee update your handovers on wiki.
- No progress.
[KKZ] email lectureres.
- Didn't do.
[BLU] print photos for O-Day poster board.
- No progress
[BLU] will look into getting a gazebo.
- No progress
[ROY] to email Nvidia
- drafted.
Machine Technical Reports
Clubroom Machines
- Brief network outage on Saturday.
- Was most likely due to heat related power outages.
New Equipment
Drinks and Snacks
- Still need to go on a snack run.
- [GPO],[KKZ] will try and go tomorrow.
External Entities
- Checked, no mail.
- SOC meeting next Tuesday 6pm.
- [BLU]/[KKZ]/[GPO] will attend.
Other Entities
- ICONS wants to have a meeting to organise tentative dates for joint events this year.
- ACTION: [BLU] to send UCC timetable
Past Events
Confirmed Events
Fresher Welcome
Let the time be Week2 Monday 3rd March or Week1 Friday 28th Feb
- To be decided next meeting.
Will try and book the loft for the Monday 3pm, then people can come to project night.
- CITS1003 has a lecture from 3-5pm!!
- We can try and do it earlier in the day??
- Maybe try 1-3pm.
- ACTION: [GPO] to book the loft
If we did it at ezone we wouldn't be able to show off thew clubroom which is one of our main draws.
Uncharity Vigil
Need to get prizes this week.
- ACTION: [KKZ] to look at getting prizes from JB Hi-Fi by weekend
Do we want to have party games running at the start of the event to include more people?
- LAN from 1700-2000.
- Party games from 2000-2200.
- VR from 2200-0000.
- Party games from 0100 onward.
- ACTION: [GPO] to discuss update with subcom.
[SEB] joins 17:04
EMS Expo
- Wednesday 19th Feb
- We have 4 chairs and 2 tables in EZone social.
- Need to do pink slip to pay for stall.
- Next meeting get sem 1 event dates and time in stone.
Lecture Bashing
- [KKZ] will email lecturers
- Most important will be CITS1003, then also CITS1401/1402 and PHIL1001(?)
Intro to Linux & VM setup Tech Talk (workshop)
- [KKZ] Will email lecturer to advertise in CITS1003 lecture.
Fresher Welcome
- Tentative date Friday Week 1/ Monday Week 2
- Tentative date Monday Week 3, 10th March, 1230-1500
Tentative/Future Events
Build and Break a PC
- Sometime during sem1 (wk 4?)
Tech Talks
Club Collaboration
Door Applications
General Business
Important/Get Done Soon
Result of Closed section
We have guidlines in place alread, found at the top of #readme
UWA Guild code of conduct
If something happens and it is not immediately resolved by a mod, PLEASE @committee, so more than 1 person can see it
Moderation chain of command in order
- Committee
- Door and wheel
- If they have acess to our club spaces and infustructure we should be able to trust them with moderation
- If we can not trust a wheel member the same as a door member, they should not be on wheel
- Hold wheel and committee to the same standards as door members
If we need to moderate a door or wheel member, talk about it in committee confidential
3 strike rule in order
- 2 public warnings
- Mute 15min/30min/1hr, depending on context
If above options do not work and the situation continues to escalte
- Timeout
- Kick
- Only use slowmode if other people keep going (not used on one person)
Should have more specific moderation inside the clubroom
Have a actual code of conduct for UCC
- Look at Unigames, Unisfa and UWA code of conduct
Have a anonymous complaints form
- Rework the form on the website so it works
- Email committee-only
- Techincally not committee-only
- Can't really do much if the compliant was very vaugue
Will have a public announcment about the guidlines in readme and the 3 strike rule, plus what the consequences will be
Major plans/ideas to do this year
New equipment we should get
Action Items
- [BLU] to send UCC timetable to ICONS
- [GPO] to book the loft for fresher welcome
- [KKZ] to look at getting prizes from JB Hi-Fi by weekend
- [GPO] to discuss update of event schedule with subcom
- All: Flyer, fresher handbook need to be updated.
- Committee: update your handovers on wiki
- [KKZ] email lectureres
- Committee: Discuss project night poster in next meeting and reach back to [JLG]
- [BLU] will look into getting a gazebo
- [BLU] print photos for O-Day poster board
- [ROY] to update email for Nvidia and send it
End time
- 19:21