UCC Meeting on 26th March 2021
UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2021-03-26
- Confirmation of previous minutes.
- We should probably email them out, too (can be done manually, it doesn't need a script).
- Need to send out the AGM meetings.
- [MPT] will send them to [BLU] to format and upload.
- [TEC] Timothy Chapman, President
- [MPT] James Arcus, Vice-President
- [BLU] Grace Fowler, Secretary
- [LMH] Liam Hammond, Treasurer
- [EGG] Alex Barker, Fresher Representative
- [APA] Alistair Parkinson, Ordinary Committee Member
- [HET] Nicholas Clemments, Ordinary Committee Member
- [OKC] Benjamin Wright, Ordinary Committee Member
Meeting opened at 12.14
Committee Reports
President's Report
- Pity that we didn't have quorum for the general meeting. But we could still discuss on what to do about the deposit.
Vice President's Report
- Attended Artemis and helped with the technical setup from 12.
- Was a good time, even when I'm being told I'm a bad pilot.
- Coordinated with [DBA] to acquire a pair of ex-UWA servers from him.
- Also talked with [DBA] about a potential opportunity to expand GPU
compute capacity in the club.
- More to come later on that.
- Gave my Server Setup tech-talk, had reasonable attendance.
- Finally finished inputting all the member forms I had.
- Just in time for O-day grants!
- Happy now, [BLU]?
- Organized the general meeting that wasn't.
- At least we managed to get a reasonable amount of member input despite not getting quorum.
- Need to poke [TEC] to coordinate advertising for future tech talks.
- Continue to be mystified by the workings of Guild.
Secretary's Report
Completed the EMP for the Fresher VR event.
Sent an email outlining the door re-application process.
[MPT] gave me the member paperwork he finished, and I filed it on Thursday.
I met the previous secretary on Thursday and went through some off the stuff I need to know. She doesn't have the secretary keys, so they're floating somewhere around the UCC clubroom.
Sorted out my Westpac account on Thursday. Now I'm waiting for the previous signatures people to handover the bank account to the new signatures.
Stocked up the vending machine.
- ([EGG] wrote this for me and is a simpleton for not including the full stop.).
- The popcorn and starbursts, (I called them starbucks and got weird looks) are good to eat. Not sure about the mints and other stuff. Do I have an iron stomach like [ClY]?
Told ghost stories with [BRD]. Ask him about the music and vector ghost stories he came up with on the spot.
- [CLY] died and became a ghost. RIP [CLY]. I'm sorry I didn't go to your funeral in 2002.
- [BRD] established that I'm now a ghost. How did I die?
- Maybe the UCC curse killed me?
Nearly died the second time from laughing so hard on Tuesday.
UCC luck strikes again on Tuesday and Friday. I wonder if I could call it good luck?
Made a 3D glow in the dark UCC logo. I wanted to paint it rainbow, but the white plastic wouldn't cooperate with the 3D printer :( .
Established I royally suck at throwing.
We had full capacity on Tuesday! Plus, three people standing in the doorway.
I finally have access to winadmins! Hmm, I wonder if I poke wheel hard enough, will they get annoyed and add me to uccpass?
- Uccpass is temperamental when [BRD] tries to use it. LOL.
Found out that I have been adding membership payment in dispense wrong and gave Liam 4 hours of work to do. Whoops.
Been trying to figure out how the file directories work in motsugo and got lost multiple times. Why doesn't UCC have a good labelling system?
- Found a file with directions on how to add a TLA to the website, that was written before I was born.
- I finally figured out how to add a TLA to the website with help from [BRD].
Decorated the UCC clubroom with a disco ball. [BRD] helped.
Found out we have a stamp that should be stored in the safe, but it's not there. Did it turn invisible?
Treasurer's Report
- Finished sorting out the money in the safe with the help of previous treasurers (thanks for the assistance). The nightmares of GNUcash have not yet ceased.
- Figured out how much money was made from memberships paid in cash, despite half of them not being handed out properly.
- Can I please use this space to remind everyone to use dispense to charge for memberships. Please don't just add money and take it away again.
- Looked up Adobe packages, was immediately intimidated by the options. Will likely have to ring them to make sense of it all.
Fresher Rep's Report
- Added a fresher discord channel. It's lonely in here :(
- Added a social discord channel and changed Games category to Social.
- Tried and failed to open the tool cupboard while [BRD] mocked my incompetence.
- Club room has been at full capacity most of the time. At least the room isn't as dead as my channels. [GOZ] is very happy with this.
- Made Facebook post for Charity Vigil. Had to learn how to use Facebook like a boomer. ([EGG] we've established that you're an incompetent Gen Z, but so is [BLU], so it's alright :P - [BL$
- Spent too much time in the club room. I am now dreaming about being here. Help.
OCM Reports
- Had my mind melted whilst playing the Crew in the clubroom.
- Proceeded to melt [JTU]'s mind by showing him glitch abuse in Mario Kart Wii.
- Would like to report [BLU]'s voting fraud in QOTD, because we at UCC take QOTD very seriously.
- What would you classify as cheating? - [BLU]
- Haven't been able to work much on sponsorships lately due to assignments.
- Went to subcommittee meeting.
- We need to approve new agenda.
- I need to send my email for door reapplication.
Machine Technical Report
- Server donation from [DBA] installed on 23/03/21.
-[BLU] can't get into the server room cause the servers are taking up most of the standing space. Can someone please move them.
-[BRD] said they took the good chair. (It's not a good chair, it's itchy. - [BLU])
- ([BRD] replied that [BLU] doesn't know what a good chair is.)
- New servers need BMC connection and switch configuration.
- They have a 1TB disk each so are ready for a test drive otherwise.
- There'll be a wheel meeting this weekend and they can decide what to do with the servers.
- [MVP]: A bunch of desktops that we don't use for social distancing reasons are struggling.
- We should run through and evaluate what needs replacing.
- We should also plan build for Build+Break-a-PC.
- Send an email to the tec mailing list and call for people's opinions.
- Needs physical checking of each machine and component testing.
- [DBA] is borrowing some of the "broken" GPUs to check whether they or their host systems were at fault.
- Cobra Speakers aren't working.
- [MVP]: Rip Old Projector?
- We will move it into the server room, so it doesn't take up space on the table.
- [MPT]: If no one else volunteers to pop the cover and check for bad caps, it probably goes in the bin.
- [MPT] cleaned the spare projector, so it doesn't continuously overheat.
Action Items From Previous Meeting
- [EGG] to do cerberus photo board.
- Ongoing.
- [LMH] to look into cost of Adobe licenses.
- Ongoing.
- Wheel to help new committee get uccpass setup.
- Ongoing.
- [BLU] to send out an email outlining the door renewal process.
- Done.
- [MPT] to show people how to be door after the renewals close.
- Pending.
- [MPT] to send [APA] prior work on sponsorship.
- Will do on Friday.
- [APA] to write up what the pamphlet would look like, finish next week.
- Now due on Friday the 2nd of April.
- Ongoing.
New equipment
Drinks and Snacks
- [MPT], [BLU] and [EGG] restocked the vending machine. They also put the expired food left in the cupboard in the server room.
- The food has migrated to the middle of the clubroom and back into the cupboard. ([BLU] is annoyed because she wanted free popcorn :( )
- Should we be worried that the expired food has mutated and grown legs?
- Action [BLU] to get the keys.
External Entities
- Action [BLU] to check the mail.
Guild, SOC
- SOC has called an extra meeting for Thursday 1st of April, 6pm to talk about club activities for the year.
- Guild are still sending emails just to [TEC].
- What are we? Chopped liver?
- [MPT] recommends [TEC] automates the Guild and SOC emails [TEC] is sent, to committee@.
- Chloe was busy with Fringe week this week (PAC), but aims to now:
- Give out the locker keys properly.
- Will discuss busy bees soon.
Other affairs
[BLU] now has a Westpac ID, so she can be added to online banking.
Need to arrange time for [MPT] and [MLG] to go to Westpac to add and remove signatories/admins.
- [TEC] to sign the resolution letter.
- Need full copy of the minutes with the motion to remove admin access and give it to new people.
ACTION: [MPT] - bully rest of committee until they give him their darkest secrets to pass on to the ACNC.
- [BLU] has already done that, so her secrets are safe :P
Action [MPT] to add [BLU] as an approver on the Westpac account.
ARTEMIS is stored on the USB with the UCC logo.
The backup projector works.
Established that [MPT] sucks at navigating, flying the UCCS Roofless into a mine and killing the crew.
- Or maybe [BLU] is a rubbish captain?
The UCCS Roofless are now known as war criminals.
- PS: What do you think of the ship name Floorless?
[GOZ] runs a tight ship :P
The ship name SS SAIYAN (Super Arrogant Idiots Yielding Abysmal Neurons) won Winslade's ship name competition.
- [EGG] still hasn't gotten his free drink from [MVP].
The USS Mine Magnet won second place. Maybe downstairs should have named their ship the USS mine Magnet?
[BLU] still thinks the United Criminal Control should have won. It was keeping in line with UCC naming ;)
[MVP]: Event ran well, 2 ships, One Clubroom, One Loft.
- Thanks to UniSFA and Unigames for promoting the event.
- Started almost exactly when planned (1pm for 2pm start, Actual start: 2.07pm.)
- We only ran 2 encounters before hot weather drained energy.
- Think the event can be updated.
- [GOZ] has suggested options that are linux friendly.
- Would add a little more variety and keep the event fresh.
- One day I will use the mission editor.
- UCC Wiki page incoming but it won't be today (And it won't be tomorrow either).
Tech Talk: Server Setup
- Average attendance, went fine.
- Covered everything [MPT] wanted to cover.
- Will do it again next semester.
- [MPT] didn't set up the recording system.
- Aww, no one else heard his angelic voice :P
Tech Talk: How to Git
- Once again, needs advertising sooner rather than later.
- [MPT] will avoid the responsibility for this one.
- It should be called how to Git Started.
Fresher VR
- [BLU] submitted the EMP to Guild. Waiting for them to approve it.
- [BLU] created a Facebook event.
- Posters are ready to be posted around campus.
- Missed giving them into Guild, but we can put them up ourselves.
- Post on the public Facebook page once a week reminding people about the event.
- [BLU] wants to post reminders every 2nd day, but will probably be sued for harassment.
- Call Dominoes a couple hours before the event.
- Apparentley some Dominoes stores won't allow a big order with only a couple hour's notice. But other stores do.
- Relationship problems, anyone? Or maybe miscommunication?
Charity Vigil
- Need to pass new budget because we passed the wrong one!
- There won't be a set amount of money for the raffles.
- [EGG] will email the budget to committee. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UZWqmlJqxbADSEJr5yZtw4kFLcQ7GiDB/view
- [EGG] Motions: To accept the new budget.
- [BLU] seconds.
- Unanimous.
- Discuss prizes for raffle.
- RBG items.
- Raffle existing stuff we have, but don't need.
- USB.
- Need to do a discord post. Waiting a few days due to the large number of events posted.
- Donate all money made from vending machine?
- [EGG] Motions: To donate the vending machine income to the charity vigil.
- [MPT] seconds.
- Unanimous.
- [EGG] created a Facebook event.
- All clubs have accepted the move to 3 sub-committee members.
- Unigames: Jackie, Emrald, Alex.
- UniSFA: Merlin, Harry, Lexie.
- Will have a sub-committee meeting in a while.
Door Re-applications
Alfred Burgress
Cormac Sharkey
Cameron Locke
John Hodge
David Adams
Matt Winslade
Everyone who has applied so far will continue to be on door.
General Business
Mini fridge. [BLU] is hungry and needs some variety in her life - [EGG]. (Is readily available and cheap, milk and ice cream too much to ask for? Plus, I can put my water bottle in there, so I get cold water. - [BLU])
People can also put their lunch in the fridge.
- [MVP]: Don't object to mini fridge but advise to be wary of milk.
- Recommend you talk to UniSFA and Unigames about why they don't regularly stock milk items.
- [MVP]: Don't object to mini fridge but advise to be wary of milk.
Fridge could be under the desks?
Stuff under the desks should be moved out.
Maybe we can sell some of it?
Or give it to the computing museum.
- http://www.aceware.com.au/acms/
[APA] proposes someone creates an inventory of what we have.
[APA] can create an excel sheet for it in the future.
Thinking about having self-containing server racks.
If the air conditioner is more environmentally friendly, could we apply for an environment grant?
Minute's system. Could we use github? Can use webhook to automatically post them to the discord.
[BLU] could copy the minutes and paste them in github.
Action [MPT] to help [BLU] figure out how to upload the minutes to the website.
Simplify member registration. Buying a membership from someone else's account seems a bit over complicated.
Poke [CFE] to come up with improvements to the portal.
[NTU]: Reimbursement request: $220 APNIC renewal 2021-03-15 https://lists.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au/pipermail/tech/2021-March/005442.html
Already budgeted for in previous meeting.
Action [LMH] to take care of it.
Meeting closes 13.08