UCC Committee Meeting on the 8th April 2022
UWA University Computer Club Committee Meeting Minutes 2022-04-08
- Last committee minutes have been uploaded to the website
- [BRD] Cormac Sharkey, President
- [BLU] Grace Fowler, Vice President
- [CMW] Lara Frcej, Secretary
- [GPO] Gary O'Donovan, Treasurer
- [CJN] Conor Bennett, Fresher Representative
- [LMH] Liam Hammond, Ordinary Committe Member
- [->|] Daniel Ledovsky, Ordinary Committee Member
- Ming Han Ong, Ordinary Committee Member
Start Time
- 19:15
Committee Reports
President's Report
- showed up to VR night and helped get pizza and set up
- Made surveys for VR night for data collection
Vice President's Report
- Helped sign up a few new members.
- Went to Westpac in person and got new info.
Secretary's Report
- attended subcom meeting for charity vigil
Treasurer's Report
- Very sad that CSSC LAN didn't turn out, will try to involve them in future LANs if possible
- Westpac meeting is finally booked!
- April 12th 12pm (Next Tuesday)
- Accounts as of now:
- Guild: $3,219.07
Fresher Rep's Report
- See VR Night section
OCM Reports
- 105 items registered with the Inventory DB. Will come up on the weekend to work on it some more. - Daniel
Machine Technical Reports
New Equipment
- Some wheel members ([NTU] and [MTL]) mentioned getting a new server for staging backups.
- No budget known at the time.
Drinks and Snacks
- Have run out of pasito
- Ming's infographic website: https://neromirt.ucc.asn.au
- Important: check the cupboard for expiring products.
- [GPO] will check inventory tomorrow.
External Entities
- not checked
- SOC Meeting 31st March.
- Need to email Tenancy our locker number and where our keys are for our clubroom. [email protected]
- Made it sound like couple of clubs have lost keys and such, and want to ensure security. Could be a good opportunity to sort our missing keys.
- After the sexual harrasment survey, Guild wants to introduce a sexual harrasment and assault officer for highrisk events.
- Shouldn't effect us.
- Should check whether Charity Vigil would be in need of these precautions.
- Highrisk exclaimer for sexual harrasment, like the drink responsibly disclaimer.
- SLT training and maybe Cyber training.
- Winthrop singers disafiliation.
- Craft club wants to affiliate.
- Green Impact program is being introduced to UWA.
- Enviroment program.
- Could participate as a club.
- Envirogrant due 27th May, same as the Semester one grant.
- [GPO] will message the Cameron Hall treasurer about this.
- Need to email Tenancy our locker number and where our keys are for our clubroom. [email protected]
Other Entities
[BLU] Motions To: Appoint Cormac Sharkey, Grace Fowler, Lara Frcej and Gary O'Donovan as signatories on all club bank accounts; and remove all other signatories.
- [GPO] seconds
- Unanimous.
[BLU] Motions To: Appoint Cormac Sharkey, Grace Fowler, Lara Frcej and Gary O'Donovan as administrators on all club bank accounts; and remove all other administrators.
- [GPO] seconds.
- Unanimous.
[BLU] Motions To: Appoint Cormac Sharkey, Grace Fowler, Lara Frcej and Gary O'Donovan to have access in branch, online and card access.
- [GPO] seconds.
- Unanimous.
Charity vigil
Need to approve budget. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JEHxFJhucyCVO91Xh7OGpcaDwdl-JZ-r/edit#gid=436455634
- [BLU] motions to approve this budget.
- [GPO] seconds.
Someone needs to buy $20 worth of raffle prizes. (Was approved via circular).
- [BLU] suggests 3D-printing the prizes.
- [GPO] suggests buying something as a plan B.
- [LMH] expatiates on plan B.
- It is suggested by the majority that we buy a novelty prize.
[MCW] joins at 19:38
we need to appoint people to events and determine approximately when the events will run.
- so that charity vigil events will be spread out between clubs.
- Charity Vigil is on 16/04/2022.
- [GPO] will be there for most of the night.
- [BLU] will leave around 10pm
- [MCW] will stay for the entire night
- [->|] will help with inventory
- [LMH] not avaliable
- [CJN] avaliable ~4-9pm
- Ming should be avaliable
- [BRD] avaliable for whole event
VR: 4-7pm
- 3D printed crab for winner of Crab Rave
- more money donated gives you extra points
- or allowed to play at lower difficulty
- 2 Crabs- one for actual winner(not pay to win) and one for the person with the highest score ( pay to win)
LAN games: (MC, TF2, ScreenCheat) 7pm-10pm
- longer if people want
pizza around 7pm
- [BLU] is happy to supervise.
- computer themed
- [GPO] suggests speedrun docs
- Small 3D printing?
- UCC Sierpinski gasket trinket, crab for Beat Saber, (joke idea of weighted D6's)
- tell people to pay for movie votes (1$ per vote)
3D printing
- let people pay us to 3D print small things
[BRD] joins at 19:44.
What events could we host that include pay to win?
Fresher VR
- VR night was a success
- everything ran smoothly
- great turnout
- at least 3 new members
- managed to get some surveys handed around
- thanks to everyone who helped make it work, especially to Alex and all the committee members who came down
- Steam passwords did not work. Fix this for next time
Tech Talks
- 3D printing by [GPO].
- oxinabox agreed to run a tech talk.
- for Julia
- Youtube clips about sudo commands and UCC stuff.
- [BLU] has a file with commands which can be put into video form
- [CJN] will create website via UCC and can create a tutorial
Door Applications
Liam Hammond
- [BRD] moves to appoint Liam to door group
- [CJN] seconds
- unanimous
Alistair Langton
- [BRD] motions to appoint Alistair to door group
- [GPO] seconds
- unanimous
Chien-Yi Lo
- [BRD] motions to appoint Chien to door group
- [->|] seconds
- unanimous
Alice Rosario
- postponed until further notice
Action Items from previous meeting
Look at server that went down.
- seems fine now
- no concern for now unless it happens regularly
- not enough storage
- Nick is looking into it
- ask wheel about technical issues and about storage.
[MCW] poked CSSC president
- LAN party no longer a UCC/CSSC collab as UCC had to pull out
- [GPO] is still going to attend for a bit and provide some servers, wanna keep up the good will.
[BLU] will create a google doc with all subcom minutes from previous years.
- 2021 subcom minutes are in the archives.
- Still need to get the Wheel minutes.
- [BRD] will look for them
- Also need to figure out how to put a photo in terminal.
General Business
UCC member stickers?
- [MPT] hasn't replied to [BLU].
- get quote on how much it will cost & we can budget it
- ask unigames about how to do it
- Do them again ourselves?
- Ask Unigames if it's done at Uniprint or Officeworks.
- [BLU] would like to request that the sticker colour is a light blue that's similar to the Unigames and UniSFA stickers.
- cam hall unity
- [BLU] would like to request that the sticker colour is a light blue that's similar to the Unigames and UniSFA stickers.
- Ask Unigames if it's done at Uniprint or Officeworks.
- [MPT] hasn't replied to [BLU].
Has account locking finished?
- there is an instruction manual on ucc servers
- [BRD] or [->|] can find it
- other Linux people should be able to find it
Should start to dismiss people on door who haven't reapplied.
- depends on account locking for us to get a list
- account locking will happen first for sure
budget paper towels
shopping run soon?
- people in club room ask for a shopping list so that we can budget it.
Unisfa needs to get back to us about the cameras
- they need to create a policy
- send a UCC member to a unisfa meeting to explain the situation
- [GPO] will attend the meeting next week
raffle prizes
- 3D prints that cost money to print
- better to have lots of small prizes
- [BLU] actions [GPO] to look for 3D printed stuff and actions everyone else to look for other items we could raffle.
- box of 3D printed items
- can maybe put those up for raffle?