UCC Committee Meeting on the 5th February 2022
UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2023-02-05
- Last committee minutes have been uploaded to the website
- [BLU] Grace Fowler, Vice President
- [MCW] Lara Frcej, Secretary
- [GPO] Gary O'Donovan, Treasurer
- [CJN] Conor Bennett, Fresher Representative
- [->|] Daniel Ledovsky, Ordinary Committee Member
- [DDJ] Djimon, Ordinary Committee Member
- [KKZ]Ariel, Ordinary Committee Member
- [BRD] Cormac Sharkey, President
Start Time 12.26
Committee Reports
President's Report
- still in singapore
Vice President's Report
- I am back after being sick for a few weeks.
- worked on wiki
- finished uncharity and charity vigil pages
- need to add minutes
- will keep working way down after
Secretary's Report
- went to project night
- attended socpac meeting
Treasurer's Report
Westpac Main $2,004.46
Westpac Savings $44,322.11
Westpac Card $7.10
Guild Account $7,350.60
went to project night and tech meeting
uncharity meeting attended
unilan wrap-up meeting attended
Fresher Rep's Report
- back from AUSTRIA!!!!
OCM Reports
- [|->] not much
- [DDJ] not much still overseas
- [KKZ] attended socpac meeting
- working on some O-day stuff
Action Items from Last Meeting
- [BRD] to update Fresher Guide and leaflets, etc...
- probs not
- [GPO] & [BRD] can take over the investigation on firewalling
- will work on it with James
- [MCW] send busy bee annoucement
- forgor
- will send after meeting
- [BRD] send out whenis good for next meeting
Machine Technical Reports
molmol (file server, hosts webccams, wiki, user profiles) is so full
- talking about replacing drives
- large SSDs
- ~2K for the drives
- will budget later
molmol needs more RAM
- should help with user log in times
Nick got us 1 big new server
- form of back up staging
serberus out of date
- has new graphics card but processors were too old
- [I2N] is on it
catfish issues with CPU
- next on chopping block when looking to rebuild PCs
- still firewalled
- [MPT] is moving us off uwa services for new mail delivery
- piranha and carpsucker are having issues
- carp only having issues when moved spots
wiki is having issues
probably due to old servers and low storage?
- look into it during project night
discussed ethical way to delete files from peoples profiles
- deleting all locked accounts after 3 years
- and start implementing it
- need to add this to the regulations
vote as committee on these regulations
[GPO] & [CJN] & [BLU] will look through it and write up some regulations
need better cable management
- things shouldnt be held up by tape
New Equipment
- [GPO] motions to accept the supermicro server nick has acquired
- [BLU] seconds
- unanimous
Drinks and Snacks
- problem with vending machine </3
- adapter taken out of slot 2
- dont put small cans in there
- out of mountain dew
- we need to do a snack run
- BEFORE charity vigil for big money
- mostly just need drinks
- machine room snacks are gone, apart frsom oreos
External Entities
- westpac is flop as always
- thinking about moving away from them again
- not checked
- I can check if im in
- envited app exists as an alternative to facebook
- sundowners are back but not really an UCC thing
Other Entities
- meeting tomorrow
- cam hall clubs get together and decide what events run through the year/sems?
- we need to decide for events at least up to week 6 so that new committee doesnt shit themselves
- week1 friday : fresher welcome
- could show off VMs
- could play games (LAN)
- have the printer running
- James has ideas for tech talks
- will try to get SPG for raspberry pi's
- VR some times
- keep talking and no body explodes
- takelings if we figure out how to do it
- Run more LANs
- Amongus /srs
- Jackbox
- Ultimate chicken horse
- Halo
- Quake
- Artemis
- Minecraft speedrun was good
- Minecraft server: CSSC interested or UWAnime again
- as per above
- plan to run events fortnightly
- wk1,3,5,7...
- wk3 AGM
- we already have project night going weekly
- Advertising needs to be up more quickly and we need more of it
- wrap up meting
- new network set up was better
- having adverts out earlier would be good
- getting set up earlier (having access earlier)
- booked room for longer amount of time
- Maybeee more snacks
- probably july 1st likely for next event
- Venue might be curtin or UWA
- if curtin falls through, UWA should be easy enough to do it at
UnCharity vigil
Run a LAN for the majority of the time
- rotate between different games
UCC shirts as raffle prizes?
after 12 (raffle) we can run jackbox
pay money to play song on eggman
- we could even play an annoying song for incentive to turn it off!
run a minecraft parkour server
- if you die, pay a gold coin to join again
- winner gets a prize: shirt or 3D printed
- if you die, pay a gold coin to join again
Use 3 whiteboards
- One for drawing on
- One for recording Minecraft time trials
- One for recording UCC donations
will get a float for it
- entrance float will exist anyways
will try to encourage coins
[GPO], [BLU], [|->] will be there all nite
[MCW], will be there for most of the time and can help run events if no one else is there
keyboard tester
3D printer going off
Computer with games
firewall done before O-day hopefully
- we want to have square reader going
einstien set up there and have DOS games set up on it
eggman music
CTF hacking set up
list of people to help out on O-day
- At stall AND at clubroom
Giving people who sign up one time use tokens to get a free drink
- we could 3D print a token and somoene will be at the clubroom dispensing drinks for people.
Lecture bashing
- reach out to CITS professors
- pretty sure all lectures will be in person?
- try to come to the VERY first lecture
General Business
- we found banners and signs that we can use to point people to Cameon Hall
- SPG grants due sem1
- James plannig to do tech talks to build own internet
18th feb
"its gonna be a long one" -[BLU]
[GPO] motion to budget 5$ per person who shows up to help for busybee
- [CJN] seconds
- unanimous
We'll write up a small plan for thigns we'll do
get rid of chairs
Action Items
- [MCW] write busy bee annoucement
- [GPO] & [CJN] & [BLU] will look through it and write up some regulations
- [GPO] & [BRD] can take over the investigation on firewalling
- [BRD] to update Fresher Guide and leaflets, etc...