University Computer Club Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-07-25

Next meeting time

  • 8am Thursday 1st August

Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting

Circular Motions


  • [BLU] Grace Fowler, President
  • [SEB] Bones Gazey, Vice President
  • [KKZ] Ariel Carter, Secretary
  • [ROY] Roy Xu, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [DOC] Diarmuid O'Connor, Ordinary Committee Member



Start Time

  • 8:03

Committee Reports

President's Report

  • Did EMP for Sem2 welcome and Artemis LAN and booked the loft for both.
  • Did Online Party Games Night announcement.
  • Soft drinks at Coles are 40% off!

Vice President's Report

  • Went to Project Night
  • Hedgedoc is not working great all the time
  • uh
  • i did stuff - idk what stuff but there sure was stuff done
  • broke my dns multiple times, and by extension uccmeeting so soz abt that
  • im sure ill remember once i read other ppls reports
  • i kinda ran 50th lan

Secretary's Report

  • Went to Project Night
  • Went to 50th LAN
  • Have been converted to Linux user.
  • yeah

Treasurer's Report

  • Westpac Main $

  • Westpac Savings $

  • Westpac Card $

  • Guild Account $

  • Not here

Fresher Rep's Report

  • Added new members to the database. (about a month ago)
  • Went to project night.

OCM Reports

  • [ROY]
    • Got netboot running with the help from [MPT], [GPO] et al on Monday's project night
    • Finished automated installation script (still janky but it's running) for backups
      • they should got named at next tech meeting :P
    • Will try to get more stuffs done this sem but my workload for uni is quite high unfortunatly
    • Went to 50th LAN
  • [DOC]
    • Went to 50th LAN (was very fun)
    • Went to project night
    • Made a basic vector version of Jasmine's 50th t-shirt
      • Still needs some adjustments and additions
    • maybe 9am meeting next week???
  • [LHP]
    • Not here.

Action Items from previous meeting

  • [GPO], [LHP], [BLU] Rebuild UWA Tech Clubs collab server.

    • Not done.
  • [KKZ], [GPO] Make new project night poster.

    • Not done.
    • [KKZ] will try and do at next Project Night.
  • [BLU] to create an EMP and an announcement for Artemis LAN.

    • Done.
  • [SEB] work with [I2N] to find a historian? ask who to ask?

    • In progress.
  • [GPO] will talk to people to see when they want to host a tech talk.

    • In progress.
  • Look into advertising in EZone/CS Building

    • Not done.
  • [BLU], [ROY] to update Fresher Guide and Flyers.

    • In progress
  • [BLU] do EMP for Fresher Welcome.

    • Done.
  • [BLU] make EMP for Artemis LAN.

    • Done.
  • [BLU] send announcement for esports collab games night

    • Done.

Machine Technical Reports

Clubroom Machines

  • [SEB] In the process of installing FreeBSD on a machine for a UNIX box.
  • Shouls host a build and break in the second half of sem.
    • Cobra is a potential upgrade.
    • [MPT] has some old PCs he might donate.
    • Cerberus in the machine room.
    • Got new GPUs to be installed, would also probably need to upgrade powersupplies.
  • Venice is now being used! Yay!


  • R710: 95% done.

    • Dell-ph2's SATA cable (should be SATAB) connected to Riser Card 2 might be broken, need to keep an eye on
  • If no-one has any more opinion we should move to proxmox upgrading.

  • There is a samba path issue, will mention next project night.

  • [LHP] arrives 8:24


  • [GPO] Cleaned up DHCP pool of unused IPs.
  • Fix wifi for Win11.


New Equipment

  • We have 3 new GPUs! Thanks to [JCF].
  • [BLU] moves to accept the 3 new GPUs from [JCF].
    • Unanimous

Drinks and Snacks

  • In depserate need of a snack run!!

  • Soft drinks at Coles are 40% off.

    • Could get them Saturday after Busy Bee.
  • We should think about getting a Costco business card.

    • How many people can we bring at once?

External Entities


  • Will check after meeting.


  • SOCPAC meeting new week Tuesday ~6pm.

    • [SEB] or [KKZ] may go.
  • SPGs due 4th August.


  • Tenancy Busy Bee Scheduled for next Tuesday
    • Inspection 12pm - 2pm.
    • Meeting 2pm - 3pm.

Other Entities


  • Will get a letter soon informing us that [MPT] and Tom have been removed from the card.

CSSE department

  • Put UCC on CSSE's website, and UWA's
    • Chris should be happy to put us on.
    • [KKZ] will contact them.


Past Events

50th Anniversary LAN

  • Was very fun!
    • Good range of activities: Age of Empires, Screencheat, Halo, Rock Band, and ppl's own game etc.
  • Had a switch break and had a VLAN issue.
  • Free pizza was popular.
  • Rockband was great!!
    • We should do it more often.
  • Attendance 15~20-ish, clubroom & loft.

Confirmed Events

Online Party Games x UWAES

  • Will be tonight (Thursday) at 7pm.
  • [BLU] wil make another post about it later today.

Club Carnival

  • Set up 11:30 pack up 14:30

  • [ROY], [BLU] will finish flyers and booklets by Friday to get them to UniPrint.

  • Still have the Club Carnival/O-Day box with checklist.

  • Not sure if we will have power since it may be raining.

    • Will bring our marquee and standup banner
    • [GPO] should bring sandbags to keep it in place.
  • Need to try and find map/actual set up time.

Sem2 Welcome

  • EMP is done and loft are booked.
  • Will do intro powerpoint.
  • Free pizza then will play games.
    • Jackbox, VR, etc.

Artemis LAN

  • Saturday 17th August.
  • Need to see if UniSFA will colab with us.
  • Will try to reuse poster from last year.

Cam Hall Quiz Night

  • No updates.

50th Anniversary Dinner

  • Will be a choice menu.

  • Advertising is basically done (thanks [MCW] and [BRD]).

  • Tickets page is live.

    • [BLU] will double check if we can start acccepting tickets.
    • Tickets should be $95 ea.
    • Will be offering an option for people to subsidise other people's tickets.
  • Should be good to advertise later today or tomorrow.

  • Have a save the date EMP submitted.

  • Will ask [GPO] about children tickets for under 12.

    • They can come, food price is $35pp
    • Childrens ticket could be $40pp

50th Anniversary Merchandise

  • [GPO]'s sibling makes stickers and made a test print for project night.

    • Still need prices.
  • [KKZ] has Ben's design SVG.

    • Will send to [GPO].
  • Subcom has agreed to do a gift bag for everyone who goes to the dinner.

    • Would contain stickers, enamel pin.

    • [BLU] will look for enamel pin manufacturers.

    • Will only get the max number of dinner attendees for pins

    • May not have enough time to get it designed and prototyped.

    • Could try and 3d print a design instead and glue them to a pin back.

    • Could do a lanyard design. (Black/white/green)

      • Have a manufacturer from UniLAN.
  • [BLU] to edit stickers

    • Add UCC somewhere hidden in snack machine.
    • Make machine room more distinctive, hide UCC lettering?
    • Try to rotate Tux.
    • Might just use the terminal instead of the whole rack.

50th Anniversary Shirt competition
  • Jasmine's design came first, [MPT]'s design came second.

  • [DOC] made the winning design into a vector.

  • Will most likely screen print on a t-shirt.

  • May do a special 50th polo in the usual design with gold thread.

  • [LHP] will see where CFC gets their screen printed shirts.

    • Find a quote for their minimum.
  • [SEB] will poll for interest in shirts.

  • Need to take the demuccracy website down/freeze the website.

    • Archived on wayback machine.

50th Anniversary Historian

  • Need to decide on the scope of work.

    • Word limit, budget.
  • What do we want the historian to do?

    • Interviews, compile photos, timeline.
  • Maybe have it in a book format.

    • One decade per page, photos, dates, descriptions.
    • Introduction and maybe conclusion(?).
    • [BLU] will ask their mother about getting a photo example.
    • [KKZ] has experience creating books on InDesign.
  • Timeline:

    • Historian can get the 25 years description by decades description done by the 50th dinner.

    • 1 week doing the survey.

    • 3 weeks answering the survey.

    • 5 weeks for the historian to write it out.

    • Historian will do interviews on the night.

  • May send out emails to people, a survey responding to the historians questions.

    • [BLU] will work with [NTU] next project night on writing the questions.

Tentative/Future Events

Tech Talks

  • [MPT] asking to replace his workshop series with tech talk for certificates.

    • "can do tuesdays and thursday mainly, happy to do whatever week works best so long as not week2"
  • [SEB] "to get Tom to do a tech talk on nixos too pls".

  • [MPT] in week 5.

  • Tom could do theirs in week 3.

    • Probably better to do it earlier since they are still a student.


  • No updates.

Club Collaboration

UWAES Minecraft Server

  • No updates.
  • Meeting this Friday.

UWAES Console Games Night

  • Sometime this sem ~week9

Door Applications

  • [BLU] will send Busy Bee reminder mentioning Door Training.

General Business

Important/Get Done Soon

  • [SEB][I2N][NTU]: update-the-25th-history idea/project

    • Timeline: hire a historian and have an updated draft document by August/September
      • Some time upfront, to get a draft pre-anniversary-dinner; some post-dinner to add feedback
      • Presumably including a dinner ticket
      • [I2N][SEB][NTU] talked on 2024-07-08, seems feasible. Requires:
        • Initial budget: some guidance from
        • We're not after a massive job or contract, but now we have an idea of what, say, a week of work can cost
      • Is that kind of budget something the UCC can consider paying upfront? and we'll try to recoup a bit from fundraising/book sales?
        • Find a historian, set scope of work - 5 hours? 50 hours?
        • Initial reply from : "go see our model contracts":
      • ACTION: [SEB] find a historian? ask who to ask?
      • example questionnaire/followup from last time: [NTU] sent a copy to [I2N][SEB], some other email/followups available
      • archive images?
      • video?
  • [GPO] arrives 9:34


Major plans/ideas to do this year

New equipment we should get

  • [BRD][NTU]: Purchase of for the UCC library (ebooks)

    • use existing uccpass UCC/committee/humblebundle account? or a new alias?
    • [BRD] + [NTU] + Heal willing to fund, but would appreciate pledge matching from club funds
    • Total price: "at least AU$37.49 for these 15 items", requested-from-UCC contribution: 33%-50%
  • [BLU] moves to budget $37.49 to purchase the Humble Bundle Linux for Seasoned Admins Bundle.

    • 7 in favour, 1 abstains.
    • Motion passes.
  • [BLU] leaves 10:05

  • Buying mics for Tech Talks.

    • [GPO] has Amazon link from last time it was discussed.

Action Items

  • [GPO], [LHP], [BLU] Rebuild UWA Tech Clubs collab server.

  • [KKZ], [GPO] Make new project night poster.

  • [SEB] work with [I2N] to find a historian? ask who to ask?

  • [GPO] will talk to people to see when they want to host a tech talk.

  • [BLU], [ROY] to update Fresher Guide and Flyers.

  • [KKZ] will contact CSSE and UWA websites to add UCC.

  • [ROY], [BLU] will finish flyers and booklets by Friday to get them to UniPrint.

  • [LHP] will see where CFC gets their screen printed shirts.

  • [SEB] will poll for interest in shirts.

  • [BLU] will get photo example for 50th anniversary book.

  • [BLU] will work with [NTU] next project night on writing questions for historian.

  • [BLU] will send Busy Bee reminder mentioning Door Training.

End time

  • 10:07