University Computer Club Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-08-08

Next meeting time

  • Thursday 9:00am yippee!!

Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting

Circular Motions

  • Move to ratify the budget for Cam Hall Quiz Night 2024.
    • Unanimous.


  • [SEB] Bones Gazey, Vice-President
  • [GPO] Gary O'Donnovan, Treasurer
  • [KKZ] Ariel Carter, Secretary
  • [SVN] Lyla Peng, Fresher Representative
  • [DOC] Diarmuid O'Connor, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [ROY] Roy Xu, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [LHP] Lauren Pudney, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [JLG] Jasmine Gilbert



  • [BLU] Grace Fowler, President

Start Time

  • 08:20

Committee Reports

President's Report

  • Not here.

Vice President's Report

  • Door trained Jasmine!
  • Went to tech meeting - very busy, great success
  • spoke to Nic [NIX] about cupboard allocations - will discuss more
  • Submitting a save the date for the NixOS tech talk - I should do an annoucement today
  • added a NixOS role (and emoji) for the upcoming tech talk
  • went to fresher welcome
  • trained [LHP] on how to fill snack machine again
  • "recovered" gulag
  • Did 'Save the date' EMP for nixos tech talk

Secretary's Report

  • Went to Tech Meeting
  • Went to Fresher Welcome

Treasurer's Report

  • Westpac Main $

  • Westpac Savings $

  • Westpac Card $

  • Guild Account $

  • Not here

Fresher Rep's Report

  • Went to Fresher Welcome

OCM Reports

  • [ROY]
    • (from 2wk before) Updated fresher guide and flyers
    • Went to Fresher Welcome
    • Went to Joint Camp subcom meeting
    • Went to tech meeting
    • Got Proxmox Backup Server running with [GPO]
    • Upgraded molmol from 13.1 to 13.3 with [GPO]
      • I'm copy pasting report from tech meeting pls don't ask why
    • Getting ready for PVE upgrade


  • dude why are you still awake

  • who are u

  • Seb

  • jeez

  • lmao

  • hmm? what were you saying lol

  • i live 10 min away u live 30+ away

  • why ur awake

  • i also have to pick up Ari so that adds like a solid 15 mins as well

  • that's what I wanna say [SEB] goes to bed at [01:43]

  • see ya

  • Gnight! [ROY] goes to bed at [02:04]

  • [DOC]

    • Went to first Joint Camp subcom meeting
    • Was at Project Night/Tech Meeting a little
    • Did some more work on 50th t-shirt vector
      • Need to check with [GPO] to see if the adjustments have been made
    • Still working on pixel art stickers
      • Made a Diagonal Tux banner sticker after feedback on [BLU]'s original sticker from two meetings ago
      • Still working on UCC Room sticker
  • [LHP]

    • went to fresher welcome
    • restocked vending machine (with [SEB])
    • sent email for quote from T-Bizz for polos
    • went to meeting for quiz night subcom

Action Items from previous meeting

  • [GPO], [LHP], [BLU] Rebuild UWA Tech Clubs collab server.

    • Not done.
  • [KKZ], [GPO] Make new project night poster.

    • In progress...
  • [BLU] work with [I2N] to find a historian? ask who to ask?

    • In progress.
  • [GPO] will talk to people to see when they want to host a tech talk.

    • In progress.
  • [KKZ] will contact CSSE and UWA websites to add UCC.

    • Forgor.
  • [SEB] will poll for interest in shirts.

    • "Forgot what we are supposed to do."
  • [BLU] will get photo example for 50th anniversary book.

    • Not here.
  • [BLU] will work with [NTU] next project night on writing questions for historian.

    • Not here.
  • [KKZ] will find out how many active memberships we have for 2024.

    • [LHP] got [GPO] to do it.
  • [SEB] will look into running some sort of chill event with alcohol.

    • In progress.
  • [LHP] will get a quote for a polo with embroidered UCC logo on the front.

    • Emailed yesterday, no response yet.
  • [KKZ] will ask about UWAES console Night.

    • Forgot...

Machine Technical Reports

  • gulag has been found.
    • (and will probably be returned)

Clubroom Machines


  • molmol got upgraded.
  • PBS set up and running fine.
  • Need to schedule a maintainance time for PVE upgrading.
    • [333],[GPO],[ROY].
    • Currently scheduled midsem break.


  • [MPT] working on a web interface for website hosting reversed proxy.


  • new intel r2000wf server checked (again)

    • [ROY]: it's cool i like this model
    • [SEB]: Should probably work on setting up backup server first?
      • [ROY] will finish the last bit this week
  • One SUN PS/2 keyboard's PS/2 socket might be broken

  • [GPO] arrives 08:52

New Equipment

Drinks and Snacks

  • [GPO] went on a drink and snack run!!

    • Got lots of chips, etc.
    • Under $300 standing budget
  • We still have some empty drink slots.

    • May be able to look into fun drinks.

External Entities


  • [GPO] checked.


  • [GPO] went to SOCPAC meeting.
  • Webcam policy has been officially adopted, so we have 2 months to implement it.
    • We have door sensors now that [GPO] is looking into setting up.
  • [BLU] to follow up on a meeting for uni IT.


  • [KKZ] will look into getting our lockers.

    • Can go to Guild after meeting.
  • [SEB] will email about more lockers.

Other Entities


Past Events

Fresher Welcome

  • Lots of people stayed around and expressed interest.
  • People showed up to project night!! (But it was a tech meeting so oops).
  • In the future we should have more definite confirmed events to advertise.

Confirmed Events

50th Anniversary Merchandise

  • T bizz polos with embroidered ucc logo:

    • 15 items $49.99 + GST
    • 20+ items $39.99 + GST each
    • 30+ items $38.50
    • 50+ items $37.00
  • expensive.

  • [GPO] still following up about T-Shirts with manufacturer.

    • Would be $28.60 per polo, at 20 polos.
    • Will open pre-orders for polos, plus a few extras to keep in clubroom.
    • Trying to find cheaper blanks for the t-shirts, around $10 per blank.

50th Anniversary Dinner

  • Need ~50 tickets to break even.
  • Have around 16?

Artemis LAN

Joint Camp

  • Had first meeting.
  • [GPO] explained joint camp to ppl
  • Will be wanting committee to help out.

Tentative/Future Events

Tech Talks

Certificates/Security Tech Talk
  • [MPT] will run sometime later this sem.


  • Tickets are up.
    • Tickets always sell really late anyway.

Club Collaboration

UWAES Minecraft Server

  • Meeting tomorrow (Friday).

Cameron Hall Quiz Night

  • Up to $60 prize budget still.
  • Budget is done for SPGs.
    • All submitted.

Door Applications

General Business

Important/Get Done Soon

  • Historian
    • Second reply from [email protected]

      • It is still possible that we may get an interested reply from a professional if we ask for one
      • In the meantime, Prue suggests that we contact a student, as we did in 1999
        • ACTION: [BLU], [SEB], to contact UWA History Department to find a historian.
      • Some details confirmed of how we approched this last time:

      Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2024 21:54:20 +0800 From: Prue Griffin [email protected] Subject: Re: [committee] Club History Inquiry

      [...] I am glad that you have looked through our register. It occurs to me that it might be a project more suited to a UWA History student. I would suggest contacting the History Department to see if there is someone who might be interested? Otherwise, we can put it out to our members with the details of the project and there may be someone who wants to take it up. If you let me know ASAP then we can distribute to our members.


  • [GPO] moves to appoint [ZPH] to sprocket membership.

    • [SEB] seconds.
    • Unanimous.
  • [ROY]: clarification on group guidelines about winadmin/sprocket?

    • Review of all club group guidelines was scheduled for... 2019
    • Committee can still delegate roles

Major plans/ideas to do this year

New equipment we should get

  • Lofty Goals(tm) for 2024 (50th anniversary) fundraising?

    • Don't aim too low; people will be generous and UCC can leverage all donated funds
    • When we've acquired a single special desktop machine (e.g. Apple Macs); they've worked well enough... until they don't; we really need two so that:
      • it's rewarding to setup and maintain them, integrate them with the rest of UCC systems; and
      • troubleshoot: a single machine with a quirk, is hard to troubleshoot, two machines can be compared
        • c.f. our first wireless bridge flying, pun intended
    • M1 Mac Mini (2020) 16GiB RAM 256GB Storage @ A$800
      • 16GiB or more is critical (perhaps even a bit low) for a long-lived desktop bought in 2024
    • Mac Studio M1 Max 512GB @ A$2100
    • Heath Loveday memorial (15 years) gaming server
      • "High-end Desktop"/HEDT focus (as opposed to a typical handmedown UCC server)
      • Should be initiated, but not rushed, this is not in opposition to other Grand Plans(tm) and Lofty Goals(tm)
  • (here should present a link toward aliexpress ps/2 to usb active adaptor)

  • ACTION: [GPO] to follow up on Loveday fundraising

  • [SEB] moves to approve $80 for ps/2 to usb active adaptor

    • [GPO] seconds.
    • Unanimous.

Action Items

  • [GPO], [LHP], [BLU] Rebuild UWA Tech Clubs collab server.

  • [KKZ], [GPO] Make new project night poster.

  • [BLU] work with [I2N] to find a historian? ask who to ask?

  • [GPO] will talk to people to see when they want to host a tech talk.

  • [KKZ] will contact CSSE and UWA websites to add UCC.

  • [BLU] will get photo example for 50th anniversary book.

  • [BLU] will work with [NTU] next project night on writing questions for historian.

  • [SEB] will look into running some sort of chill event with alcohol.

  • [LHP] will get a quote for a polo with embroidered UCC logo on the front.

  • [KKZ] will ask about UWAES console Night.

  • [KKZ] will look into getting our lockers keys.

  • [SEB] will email Tenancy about applying for more lockers.

  • [GPO] to follow up on Loveday fundraising

  • [BLU], [SEB], to contact UWA History Department to find a historian.

End time

  • 10:19